Adulting 101: Life Guide

Adulting 101: Life Guide

Raise your hand if at some point in your adult years you’ve said something along the lines of: “I wish they taught me this in school.” *raises hand* How come when we were younger all we wanted was to grow up? No one told us that being an adult would be hard, that life would still be complicated and messy no matter how old we are. Why didn’t adulting come with a warning label? Why has it tricked us all?!

To make grown-up life a bit easier, I’ve broken down random life tips and tricks that every adult should know. Use these hacks to keep your life more organized, stress-free, care-free, and easier with these adulting tips and tricks.

Adulting 101: life guide:

1. Use a daily planner/calendar religiously

I put this as #1 because this is the biggest hack when it comes to adulting and staying organized. If you have an appointment, event, or even birthday coming up, mark it down either in a daily planner or calendar. I always use the calendar on my phone, and I also have the WidgetSmith app on one of my main phone screens set to display my daily calendar and remind me of any upcoming appointments.

2. Set reminders and alarms regularly

Setting reminders for things that need to be done—like phone calls, paying bills, or even wishing someone a happy birthday—will help ensure none of it slips your mind. I set reminders for everything—when it’s time to pay my credit card bill, car payment, etc. i have ones that repeat monthly on the same day and others that will pop up randomly for different occasions. Also, if you have medicine that needs to be taken at a certain time daily, set an alarm so you don’t miss out.

3. Always write out a grocery list or any shopping list

This will help you not forget anything, and also save you extra trips back to the store to pick up things you missed.

4. Ask for and save receipts

Keep receipts until the return window has expired in case you want/need to return anything. This will make returning items so much easier.

5. Run errands early in the morning or after dinner time

One way to beat crowds is by shopping earlier in the morning or later in the evening. You have to deal with less people, and the checkout lines are shorter. It’s a win-win.

6. Get chores/errands done early on the weekends

Our body clock will usually wake us up around the same time even when we have the chance to sleep in. Instead of trying to go back to sleep after this happens, get up and get any chores or errands done instead. You’ll have them off your plate, and you’ll be able to enjoy the remainder of your weekend worry-free.

7. Use the voice memo app on your phone to record important conversations you want to remember

If you’re out and need to jot something down but don’t have anything to do so, use the voice memo app on your phone. I did this the other day after one of my neck appointments when I had to document what I was feeling at the time I was in the car. Once I got home, I went back to the app, listened to my recording, and jotted down what I needed to.

8. Keep separate notebooks and folders for things

Separate things like documents, notes, paperwork, etc. in different designated notebooks and folders. This will help you stay super organized.

9. Learn, know, and have easy, go-to recipes

This will be so helpful for when you’re in a time crunch or have a big day coming up and want to take it easy and not worry about cooking.

10. Always carry some cash with you

We live in a world dominated by credit cards and Venmo, but carrying cash will help for times should that credit card fail, your phone die, or when you stumble upon a place that’s cash only. It’ll help keep you from getting in a jam. You never want to be in a position where you can’t pay for something.

11. Carry all important medicine with you

You don’t ever want to be in a situation where you’re unable to take important medicine. Instead of stressing about making it home in time, take it with you; it’ll give you one less thing to worry about. I have to do this with all my medicine because I’m so sensitive to it and get extremely sick if I don’t take it on time.

12. Don’t leave home without a water bottle

There are so many reasons why you should be drinking water, and bringing a water bottle with you will keep you hydrated on-the-go. I carry mine around everywhere.

13. Store things that you’re not going to eat right away in the freezer

I do this with all of my meats, cheese, and desserts. It stops you from wasting food that you’d otherwise have to throw out from sitting in the fridge for too long.

14. If your phone is connected to your computer, set it aside during the times you’re working to save battery and focus better

This one works wonders. You’ll be amazed at how much more work you get done, and how much more battery you’ll save.

15. If you’re exposed to any allergens, shower and change your clothes immediately once you get home

Changing clothes removes any excess allergens you may have picked up and eliminates the amount and chance of those allergens spreading around your house, while showering will help open up your sinuses. Either place your clothes in a separate sealed bag or wash them right away. I do this every time I’m exposed to any dander and pollen; it’s not foolproof, but it does help.

16. Chill martini glasses, white wine glasses, and beer mugs in the freezer before serving

This makes the drinks taste better, fresher, and crisper.

17. Store avocados in the fridge to keep them fresher longer

Avocados, once they’re ripe, spoil insanely fast. Storing them in the fridge will slow the process down.


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