How to Use Quarantine to Strenghten Your Relationship

How to Use Quarantine to Strenghten Your Relationship

Quarantine, a fully-loaded, 10-letter word that brings to mind multiple different images, ideas, and feelings. Whatever that feeling may be, it’s safe to say that this is unlike anything we’ve ever experienced in our lifetime. During this time of isolation, it’s easy to feel as though your relationship is being tested. Neither one of you has an escape, you’re both spending day in and day out together, and this constant closeness is probably not what you’re used to. Yet, despite all of this, I’m here to tell you that you can, in fact, use this quarantine to strengthen your relationship. Yes, that’s right; during this time at home you and your partner don’t have to get under each other’s skin.

Below I’m breaking down all the ways you and your S.O can use social distancing to reignite the spark or keep the flame going in your relationship, and also how you can use this time at home to strengthen it. Keep on reading to find out how.

Try new things together

Staying at home doesn’t have to be boring, and this is the perfect time for you and your better half to try out a new hobby together. Make good use of the internet and look up a new and exciting recipe, then try making it together; or find a TV show and binge-watch it from the very first season. (If you need suggestions, check out this list here.) Creating new adventures together as a couple is helpful for strengthening your bond because it’s something that the two of you will always share. The experiences my boyfriend and I have had together are the ones we’ll remember for the rest of our lives, and the shows we’ve watched together will always be referred to as “our show.” Align your interests and enjoy this new normal as a couple, and it’ll be smooth-sailing from here on out.

Use this time to improve communication

Communication is key in all healthy relationships, and practice makes perfect. Although being on-top of one another 24/7 may not sound like the best thing ever, now is a great time to work on the communication between the two of you. During this time, try being open and honest about all of your feelings—even the ones that don’t have to do with the relationship. Get used to talking about how you feel rather than holding everything in. If you’re annoyed, mention it in passing; if you’re happy, mention that too. This will get you comfortable with talking, as well as give your partner a chance to peer into how your mind works. Channeling your innermost thoughts and opening yourself up to your partner will invite more dialogue into your relationship. Also, since you’re both stuck under the same roof, you’re going to want to avoid any arguments that you can, which is only going to help show the both of you how to start any conversation without starting a fight, in addition to how to listen on the receiving end. Now is not the time to leave anything unsaid.

Set aside time for the two of you daily

Whether it’s just the two of you in the house or you’re packed in a full one with kids or other family members, setting aside time for the two of you as a couple daily will be monumental to your relationship during this. This can be anything like making sure you eat dinner together every night—even if you have other family members joining you, both of you will still be there, together—or it can be something like the two of you going to bed at the same time. In my relationship, I’ll usually cook dinner every night and then my boyfriend and I will sit down and eat together while we watch one of our shows. After, we’ll both get ready for bed at the same time, and also get in bed and read together before going to sleep. I love this routine, I think it’s so special; it’s something just for the two of us. I also feel like I’m in a permanent slumber party, lol.

Activities like this will help bring you two closer together, ultimately helping to reignite the flame that the two of you share. Relationships take work and effort, yes, but that hard work doesn’t have to be difficult. Creating good habits now as a couple will make your relationship stronger, and once life returns to the way it was before, these healthy habits will be ingrained in the two of you; these good practices won’t go away.

Homemade date nights

Just because you’re stuck at home doesn’t mean you can’t have anymore date nights. Homemade date nights are seriously underrated. You can dress up, dress down, make it formal, informal—whatever, the choice is yours! Over the past year and a half, my boyfriend and I have designated Saturday nights as our date nights. When we first started doing this, nine times out of ten we we’re doing them at home. Sometimes we’d get dressed up, others we’d stay in comfortable clothing. We’ve taken the cooking at home route as well as the fancy takeout one; we’ve done it all, and we’ve managed to switch it up along the way so nothing becomes repetitive and boring!

Date nights will help spark that romance in your life and also keep things exciting between the two of you. I love all date nights because the wine, good food, and even better conversation always makes me feel more connected to my man. Date nights can help improve communication and connection in your relationship. Being able to talk, laugh, and joke is a good way to remind both of you why you fell in love in the first place. Don’t sleep on date nights just because you can’t go out to a restaurant or bar—it doesn’t matter where you are, a good date night is bound to bring the two of you closer together.

For all the essentials you need to create a romantic night at home, check out this article here. If you need ideas for a homemade date night, check out this post here for fun and fresh ideas.

Still keep things for yourselves

As I write this, my boyfriend is currently downstairs taking a break from his work (the two of us have been on this WFH train for a looooong time, lol) and is playing Xbox. When he needs a break, he’ll usually play Xbox or go on a walk, and I know those times are his, just like reading or playing with makeup are mine. My boyfriend can still play Xbox while I read on the couch, but neither one of us needs the other one to entertain us. We both take the time every day to do things for ourselves. These things don’t take away from the relationship. In fact, it makes the things we do together that much more exciting.

Make sure you each take time for yourselves daily. It doesn’t have to be for a long period of time either—maybe it’s something as simple as playing a game on your phone or browsing through a fashion catalogue—it just has to be something that you really enjoy doing and relaxes you. Taking time for yourself is important, practicing self-care just as much, and ensuring that you set aside time for yourself will allow you to be more present and in the moment when it comes time to share things with someone else. It’ll make that time you and your S.O share extra special, too. Right now is the perfect time to implement this into your daily routine because of extra time we’ve been granted from this quarantine. Again, practicing a healthy habit like this one will make the return to normalcy easier, and the good practices you’ve grown accustomed to will be ingrained in you and your relationship.

Don’t wait, now is the time to make the effort. Nothing in life is guaranteed, and it’s important to never take a single day for granted. Social distancing is difficult and this time is scary, but try making the most of it for yourself, your loved ones, and most definitely your relationship. I mean, you and your lover, all alone, trapped in a house with nothing to do, the possibilities are endless… 😉


1 Comment

  1. April 11, 2020 / 11:19 am

    I always was concerned in this topic and stock still am, regards for posting.

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