Happy Monday, everyone! Since this Thursday is Thanksgiving here in the U.S, I wanted to challenge myself and all of you to do something in honor of it. (Even if you’re not a U.S resident, keep reading–I believe you’ll really enjoy this challenge too!) Back in April, my boyfriend challenged me to write down 5 things that I loved about myself every single day for a week straight. The purpose of this challenge was to get me to find things that I could love and appreciate about myself instead of focusing on all of the qualities I don’t like about myself. I mean, think about it: how often do we look at ourselves in the mirror and admire the reflection staring back at us? Probably not very often. In fact, we probably criticize every little thing about ourselves down to the last detail. Psychologically, when we do this, we end up breaking ourselves down and chipping away at our self-confidence one small insecurity at a time.
After completing that challenge, I found myself looking at my reflection with a whole new outlook. I started to appreciate all of the small details, the little quirks or minuscule flaws that I felt stood out above everything else. Change your mindset, and you can change your life.
So, for Thanksgiving, I wanted to challenge everyone to this: starting today (Monday, 11/25), through Thursday (11/28), I want you to write down 3 things you are grateful for every day. The goal? Help create a more positive and mindful life for yourself. Who knows, maybe on Thanksgiving when you sit down to eat, you’ll find yourself regarding the food, atmosphere, and family in front of you differently, with a greater appreciation for them!
Make sure to take pictures of your entries and tag me on Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #FlawlessWorldThanksgivingChallenge. I can’t wait to see what you all come up with! My first entry is pictured below!
With love, Arianna Diamond