3 Ways to Improve Overall Health Without Diet or Exercise

3 Ways to Improve Overall Health Without Diet or Exercise

Fads have always been a big staple in both the fitness industry and Hollywood. Because of this, it seems as though everyone is looking for the newest health craze. People are constantly looking for a “quick fix”, and although I am a big proponent of leading a balanced life with diet and exercise, there are some old fashioned things that can do just the trick and help a little. Today I’m going to discuss the three ways you can improve your overall health without diet or exercise.


Staying hydrated can sometimes be easier said than done, but it’s something that shouldn’t be neglected. Keeping your body hydrated can improve your skin and digestive system, possibly treat or prevent headaches, and maximize physical performance. If an active person doesn’t keep their body hydrated, they’ll feel it in their joints and muscles. Everyone should drink at least a gallon of water throughout the course of their day. The easiest way to make sure you’re getting in the proper amount of h20 is to drink out of a water bottle with markers for liquid measurements. I have a water bottle that holds 28 oz of water, so I know that every day I have to drink at least four bottles full in order to get the right amount. I try to finish my first bottle full by the time I’m done with my workout in the morning. Slowly sip throughout the rest of the day and you’ll finish your gallon in no time.


Most people freak out at the idea of unplugging from technology. As a society, we’ve become so used to people noncholantly browsing through their phones 24/7 that it’s no longer a big deal when people can’t get through a conversation without putting their phone down. While there are many benefits to technology such as the instant connectivity to the world, the real-time news updates, and the power of social media for marketing, business owners, and young entrepreneurs; there are benefits to removing yourself from technology from time to time. Removing yourself from technology can help improve your sleep (I never go on my phone late at night because it keeps my brain wired), reduce stress and anxiety, and also help you focus on the task at hand. If you’re browsing through Instagram while multitasking on an important phone call, chances are you’re going to miss some part of the conversation. I’ve found myself scrolling through social media while trying to watch TV and it drives me crazy because I end up not paying attention to the TV show and I end up having to rewind it. Try starting with a half hour away from technology. Put your phone away—turn it off, or put it on do not disturb, whichever you prefer—and take the opportunity to read a book, cook yourself a nice meal, or chat with your significant other. Over time, you’ll be able to increase that half hour to a full sixty minutes.


I’m a huge advocate for everyone decompressing and allowing themselves personal time. It may sound silly, but taking time for something as simple as a hot shower or bath can boost overall health. Treat yourself to a body scrub or exofoliator. Your skin will feel smoother, and allowing yourself this little indulgence can help relieve excess stress. Stress can do a number on the body, especially when it comes to water weight. If you want to try ditching some unwanted bloat, unload yourself of extra stress you don’t need. When you feel better, you look better. Happiness makes people glow. Don’t forget to take care of yourself.


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