I get it, some people enjoy reading more than others. Picking up a book or reading from a kindle or tablet isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. However, there are scientific proven benefits from reading, and benefits I’ve come to understand after reading daily for years. In this post, I’m going to list the five reasons I believe everyone should be reading and break them down.

Stimulates YOUR MIND
One of the many reasons reading is so great is because it is not a mindless task. Reading and absorbing a story is an amazing stimulator for your mind. It keeps your mind sharp, fresh, and healthy. Your brain needs to be taken care of too. Another fun plus you’ll find is that it increases your detective skills as well. You’ll find yourself putting pieces of the puzzle together while reading a new book, or watching a true-crime show or movie.
Increased VOCABULARY + Improved GRAMMAR
Technically these are two reasons in one, but they go hand in hand. It’s true: reading regularly does increase your vocabulary and improve your grammar skills. By reading, you pick up on new words or a better way of writing things subliminally. Having diverse vocabulary comes in handy in everyday life, and grammatical skills are important to have for any job. Feeling smart is an empowering feeling that everyone deserves to possess.

Growing up we’re told that it’s important to have a wild imagination. Yet as we enter adulthood, it becomes less acceptable to dream big. People with creative minds are usually told that they “won’t make it” or that they need to “be realistic.” I say that’s bullsh*t. There is nothing wrong with a creative mind, and boosting creativity can improve the quality of one’s life. Diving into a creative project of your own gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment. Reading can bring inspiration to your own creative projects in life.
Improves SLEEP
For two years now, I’ve made sure to allow myself time to read before bed. I don’t know how I ever survived without books. Reading is the best way to wind down at the end of a long day. By reading, you get off your phone and relax your brain, which can ultimately lead to a more restful slumber. I personally read until I can’t keep my eyes open, but you don’t have to read for long at all! 10 minutes is all you need. Relax your brain and improve your sleep. You’ll wake up feeling like a new person.

Have you ever been absolutely lost in your own world, oblivious to what’s going on around you? Chances are you have at one point or another, and chances are you enjoyed the feeling. Being able to mentally escape from real life problems is amazing. Everyone needs a little escape once in awhile. Though vacationing off to some tropical island is probably the best way to truly escape, most of us don’t have the ability to do that whenever we feel like. The next best thing? Reading! Getting lost in a good book gives you the same mental escape a luxurious vacation would. Books take you into someone else’s mind, another place, and another world filled with problems that have nothing to do with you. By allowing yourself to do this, you forget everything going on in your life. All of a sudden the things you were stressing about earlier disappear for a brief period of time. Allow yourself the mental escape, and come back into the real world feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your problems.