5 Tips to Help Avoid That Mid-Day Crash

5 Tips to Help Avoid That Mid-Day Crash

We’ve all been there—the time in the afternoon when everything suddenly seems to be dragging and we can’t seem to get out of our own way. You probably know what I’m talking about, but if you’re one of the lucky ones who hasn’t experienced this, then let me introduce you to your brand new arch nemesis: the mid-day crash. The mid-day crash is the worst, and typically happens soon after; if not right after lunchtime. I’ve discussed with many people preventatives to take to avoid it, and have even tried a few myself; but the five I’m going to go over today are the ones I’ve found really help me ward off that afternoon slump.

Stay off your phone

You might be reading this post on your phone at the moment, and are probably thinking I’m crazy for even suggesting this, but hear me out. It’s easy to get lost in our phones, especially during breaks. While it’s nice to catch up on some emails or respond to some texts, spending a long period of time immersed in your smartphone can aide in bringing you to your mid-day slump. When you’re on your phone, even if you’re doing something mindless like scrolling through Instagram, Google, or playing a game; you’re stimulating your mind and keeping your brain wired. You’re not preserving some of the mental energy you’ll need in order to finish off the rest of the work day strong.

I personally like playing games on my phone. I’ve found that the days I spend my lunch break playing games on my phone feverishly, followed by trying to dive right back into work afterwards, are the days that I hit that mid-day crash the hardest. Of course I go on my phone quickly during my work break, but the trick is to limit the time spent on it. Now, I’ll just play a couple of games and get off, which seems to work really well for me.

Try eating a lighter lunch

There is nothing more annoying than trying to work while you’re starving. It feels so counterproductive; and I, for one, end up feeling lightheaded and spacey. Although you need to eat because food gives you energy to get through the day, eating a heavy lunch may be slowing you down. Instead, try opting for a lighter option so you can keep the energy flowing and your day moving productively. In my own case, I’ve found that having a chicken salad wrap is perfect for me. The protein holds me over, and the wrap leaves me feeling full and satisfied. Cut down on the snacks and focus on eating a more well rounded lunch, you’ll be happy you did later!

Get most important work out of the way first

I understand that everyone’s work requires different tasks of them, and sometimes whatever you’re doing that day may be out of your hands. However, if you do have the power to get your work done in the order you please, try getting the most important work for the day done first. You’re more likely to be more focused earlier in the day, which is great for something that requires your full attention. By leaving the lighter workload for after lunch, you’ll be able to get through the rest of the day smoothly, thus helping to avoid that awful mid-day crash.

Short brain breaks periodically

This is huge in helping to avoid that mid-day crash! Every hour or so, try to look away from what you’re doing and focus your eyes and mind on something else (preferably something outside). Try looking out the window for 30 seconds-1 minute to start. By allowing your brain quick breaks, you’re letting your battery recharge and reboot itself rapidly. Staring at the same thing for too long will drive anyone crazy—it’s exhausting! Giving yourself brain breaks makes it that much easier for you to give your work your full, undivided attention.

Because of my neck and shoulder injury, I have to take a break from working every hour. (Doctor’s orders.) I get up and walk around the house, or I read one chapter in whatever book I have at the moment. Although I have to do this because of my injuries, I’ve found that the breaks have helped improve my work and ability to focus on the task at hand; which in turn, ultimately helps me avoid the mid-afternoon slump after lunchtime.

Stay organized + focused on goal

During my high school and (brief) college years, I used agendas religiously. To this day, I still write down everything in a journal. I write down ideas for blog posts, daily tasks, errands I have to run, grocery lists—you get the idea. Every day I make sure I write down at least one thing I have to accomplish, even if it’s something as insignificant as checking an email! Outlining what I have to get done for the day and making myself do it no matter what helps me fight off that mid-day crash as well.

As drained as you may feel, push yourself to fight through it. This is especially important for those who are self employed because it’s easier to say you’ll get to it later when you have the freedom to do what you want, when you want. When I’m feeling that mid-day crash, I remind myself that life doesn’t stop, and I’m going to be awake regardless, so I might as well push through it. Write out one thing you want to accomplish for the day and make it your priority to do so by the end of the work day. In time, working through and warding off that dreadful mid-day crash will be a breeze.


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