4 Things to Remember When Trying to Grow a Brand

4 Things to Remember When Trying to Grow a Brand

Social media may have many negative qualities, but there is undeniably one good aspect of it: the chance for everyone to grow their own brand/business. The platform of social media has been turned into a powerful marketing tool, and many people across the world have capitalized on it, and creating a luxurious life for themselves. While some may think it’s easy, there’s a side that goes into it that many people do not know about. Growing a brand on social media is a 24/7 job, and one you can never truly turn off.

I’ve had the privilege of being surrounded by many people who have succeeded and become multi-millionaires because of social media. They’ve used social media as a platform to build their following and eventually start multiple businesses. However, I’ve seen the other side of it—the side no one showcases on Instagram or YouTube. It’s a side that is grueling, demanding, and requires a lot of patience. Getting to the top is one thing, and staying on top is another as well. In this post, I’m going to list the 4 things I personally believe everyone should be aware of, and keep in mind while trying to grow a brand through social media. These are the things I’ve learned from watching other people, as well as through my own mistakes, and friends’ mistakes, too.

Find your passion

If I had to define passion, in my own words it would be this: passion is something that sets your soul on fire, and something you can’t ignore. If you’re building a brand, or even branding yourself, it has to coincide with something you’re passionate about. Humans are more perceptive than we realize, and even glimpsing a social media post can indicate whether or not you’re passionate about what you’re doing. If you’re not passionate, it simply won’t work.

Stand out

Before my car accident, when I was still wrestling, I had the privilege of attending many seminars hosted by many successful people in the professional wrestling world. The biggest takeaway I ever got from those seminars was this: you need to stand out from everyone else. You need to showcase and embrace what makes you different if you want people to notice you. Find the traits that set you apart from the rest of the crowd, and put them on display. It could be something as simple as your personality. If you’re trying to make it in the beauty world, do crazy eye makeup instead of a typical smoky eye. Whatever you do, don’t blend in.

Be authentic

You can’t be afraid to show who you really are, or be consumed with getting everyone’s approval because it’ll only hinder you. Not everyone is going to like you (just to be blunt), but that’s okay! For every person that doesn’t like you, there will be one person that does. You need to stay true to yourself because authenticity is something people resonate with. Seeing someone comfortable in who they are and not afraid of it gives others the confidence to believe in themselves and feel comfortable in their skin.

Also, it’s important to stay authentic to the products you promote on social media. If you start gaining a following, companies will email you to try to get you to promote their products. When that happens, remember this: don’t do anything and everything. You don’t have to promote every single product that comes your way. When I consider promoting a product, I make sure it’s something that I genuinely like and use, and something my followers will see and know that it’s a brand I’m fully behind. People don’t want to have products shoved at them constantly. Be strategic, and pick and choose what you want to promote. Don’t be afraid to say no.

Stay patient

This is probably the most crucial thing to remember when starting a brand. It is extremely rare to have an overnight success story. Your following and money will not come immediately. It will be a slow, tedious process; and one you have to be in for the long haul. It will not grow right away, and you have to keep working at it day in and day out if you want to succeed. There is no set time limit to success—it could take months, years even—but you need to be patient, and stay at it. Don’t let instant gratification get in the way of your end goal. Stay focused, and keep hustling. Eventually, the success and growth will come. Always remember, diamonds are formed under pressure, but they’re never formed overnight. 💎


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