Confessional: 20 Things I’ve Learned This Year

Confessional: 20 Things I’ve Learned This Year

With pain and suffering comes growth. I feel like this year has been a big year of growth for many people, including myself. I’ve had a lot of loss this year, but with all of that loss has come what’s probably been the biggest amount of self-growth in my life. It’s been a hard year for everyone, but ironically, for every bad thing, I feel like there was one good. Despite everything going on in the world, I truly think this has been the best year for me growth-wise, I think I’ve grown more in 2020 than any other year. If I’m being honest, I’m not all that mad at 2020 because of this.

Since tomorrow is New Year’s Eve and we’re all about to say goodbye to 2020 (and God only knows what’s in store for 2021), I wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the things I’ve learned this year along the way. I’m not going to lie: my lessons have been full of soul, mindfulness, and an elevated consciousness—but they’ve lead me to where I am today, which is someone who’s learning more about themselves, who they are as a person, what they need in their life to stay grounded, and healing.

Take a moment to reflect on this past year; think about the things you have learned, ask yourself what your hardships might have been trying to teach you and what you learned from them. Everything in life is an opportunity for learning and growth, and the only way to survive possibly another year of this madness is with a heightened awareness and all that learning and growth.

Below I’ve listed 20 things I’ve learned this year—20 for 2020. Keep on reading to find out what they are.

20 things I’ve learned this year:

  1. Surrendering is the most freeing feeling.
  2. You have to let go so other things can come in.
  3. Awarenesses come to you when the time is right.
  4. Acknowledging, confronting, and dealing with pain head-on rather than plowing right through it makes you stronger.
  5. It’s OK to ask for help.
  6. Always, always, always make an effort with the ones you love.
  7. One thing I learned from my grandma is that you need to live your life on your own terms.
  8. Meditating daily makes the biggest difference in the world.
  9. Every moment in your life has an impact on you.
  10. There is no one else in the world like you. No one else is going through what you’re going through. Don’t compare yourself to others.
  11. Having good budgeting skills always comes in handy, especially during a pandemic.
  12. Always look at the glass half full.
  13. Don’t look at things as time fillers. Pursue what you want to.
  14. There is nothing in the world more invigorating than fresh air.
  15. True acceptance takes time.
  16. There’s a difference between acceptance and giving up.
  17. Each change of season can bring you new joy and a new hobby. The snow and cold aren’t actually all that bad, they make for the perfect time to level up your cooking, baking, and mixology skills.
  18. Be mindful of holding onto the past, places, or people. It’ll stop new things from entering your life.
  19. Sims is incredibly addictive and I love it.
  20. Embrace your own journey and write your own story; don’t share it with anyone until you’re ready. And remember: your story is your story to tell alone, no one else’s.


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