I think with almost everything in life, it’s important to have goals. Having goals gives us a clear-cut end game to reach for, and helps align us on the right path to get there. When it comes to goals, it doesn’t matter how big or small they are; they can be life-changing or seem more silly and miniscule. Whatever the case may be, goals are still great to have because they give all of us something to strive for.
Now, I’ve never really been the kind of person who makes New Year’s resolutions every single year; I’ve always focused on putting my effort and energy into my goals in the here and now, and any resolutions I may make are usually in broader, general terms of my life. I don’t like waiting, because I know how fast everything can go away. However, with that being said, I don’t think the world is going to return to “normal” anytime soon, and even if it does, I know I’ll still be reluctant to go out. This is why I wanted to take the time to sit down and actually write out some goals for this year, ones that will allow me to try new things inside of my own home, keep me busy, and help me stay grounded through all of the turbulence in the world. The entire world is agitated right now, and I think setting goals and striving for them will be beneficial for everyone; it’ll help us not go crazy inside of our own homes, and also keep our minds clear.
So, I’ve taken the time to set some goals for myself this year, those of which I’ve listed below. Regardless of how big or small they seem, I know that they’ll help me stay sane and give me an opportunity to branch outside of my comfort zones in my own way. I encourage all of you to try and do the same—it doesn’t matter or how big or small the goal is, or how silly it may seem, take the time to set some for yourself this year. Here are the 15 things I want to do in 2021.
15 Things I want to do in 2021:

- Learn more recipes and cook more.
- Meditate for longer periods of time.
- Take more walks outside regularly—especially in the cold—to clear my mind.
- Branch out of more comfort zones and try new things. (Perhaps maybe a Sims build video or gameplay?)
- Continue building my investment account.
- Read more self-help books, and books that focus on wellness and creativity.
- Make gluten free pasta from scratch.
- Try gardening and growing vegetables.
- Stay more organized and keep my bureaus, vanity, and work station free of clutter.
- Read more than my reading goal of 100 books.
- Put myself first, I spent way too long not doing so.
- Wake up and get to bed earlier.
- Put my energy into doing only what makes me happy and what I’m comfortable with.
- Take Flawless World to the next level.
- Put more emphasis into self-care; I want to try and give myself pedicures, find a really good eye cream, and also make sure I’m using a good hand, neck, and chest cream on the daily.