I’ve been thinking a lot lately and doing major self-reflecting. I’ve talked about this before, but after my car accident I realized just how quickly everything in life can be taken away from you. Since then, I’ve made a conscious effort daily to try to live in the moment and always see the good in things. I’ve made an active effort to enjoy my life despite its limitations.
On August 1st I lost someone very close to me. Someone who has always been and will always be my role model. I was thinking about how this person always lived their life. They enjoyed their life, worked hard, and took risks. They were stronger than anyone I’ve ever met to the core. This loss devastated myself, my family, and all those close to me as well. Needless to say, the past couple weeks have been a whirlwind, a roller coaster of adrenaline and emotions.
All of this has gotten me thinking about life, and all the big and little moments that make it up. It’s gotten me thinking about life in general, and what I’ve learned about it in my near-twenty-five -years on this planet.
I’ve learned that nothing’s guaranteed in life, and we must cherish every moment because it can all be taken away in an instant. I learned this very quickly after everything that ever mattered to me was ripped away when I was rear-ended by a drunk driver. I’ve learned to find the good in situations that seem negative. I’ve learned to stop stressing about my body and allowing my body dysmorphia to control me, and instead enjoy my life.

I’ve learned that it’s important to hold those who matter to you close to your heart. Make time for them. Make an effort and give them a call, tell them you love and care about them. I’ve learned that all you can do is accept the people around you for who they are and love them for it anyway, flaws and all. I’ve learned the importance of patience, and letting things roll off your back. I’ve learned that you should never go to bed angry at someone you love because you never know what could happen.
I’ve learned that life is what you make of it. I may not be able to control every thing in my life, but I will make the most out of the things that I can. I’ve learned that being strong means feeling things and allowing yourself to process your emotions before standing back up and moving on; I’ve found strength in this. I’ve learned not to ever accept defeat to anything. If you can’t find a way, find another path, another dream, another fantasy. I’ve learned that being different is OK, and you’re not wrong for wanting different things than those around you. I’ve learned never to apologize for success—it’s for you and you alone, and it’s not a bad or negative thing to be successful.
And most importantly, I’ve learned that you should work hard, take risks, and above all else, enjoy life. I think it’s important to work hard and fearlessly, as long as you allow yourself some fun along the way—because what good is anything if it doesn’t bring you moments of happiness? Do everything you can to ensure you’re able to live out the life that you want, but don’t forget to stop and smell the roses along the way. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Don’t judge yourself or compare yourself to others because you’ll always come up short. Live your life for yourself and no one else.
These are the things I have learned about life. Maybe they’re a bit cliched, maybe they’re not. I know they’re not the most groundbreaking ideas in the world, but I’ve tried and will continue to try to live by them because they are the lessons I’ve learned through trial and error, loss and heartbreak, and strength and triumph.