I am just going to come out and say it: We all want more money. It’s why we play the Powerball, visit casinos, get jobs, and build a savings. Having money is a luxury, and there’s no disputing that having a nice cushion to fall back on can help you sleep better at night. But for some reason, many of us struggle to make more money. Sure, we know about the success stories—the people who become rich overnight—but to the rest of us earthlings, money is nothing more than an elusive entity.
That said, I am admittedly someone who wants to make more money. Which is why I tapped business success strategist and mindset coach Jennifer Longmore for her expert insight into how to become rich AF overnight. And spoiler alert: it doesn’t involve budgeting or investing.
Regardless of your current financial situation, Longmore’s tips can help you attract more wealth and prosperity into your life ASAP. Keep scrolling to learn how to get rich overnight in 4 steps.

Jennifer Longmore
Jennifer is the founder of the #1 Akashic Records Training School and CEO of The Podcast Connector. She’s built an eight-figure business on consciousness and combines her expertise in spirituality, social work, education, and wealth consciousness in her coaching programs to help clients achieve their deepest desires.
How To Become Rich Overnight:
1. Stop apologizing for wanting money
Society teaches us that money is “bad” or “evil,” and that wanting more of it automatically makes you a bad person. But the truth is anything but. And according to Longmore, this line of thinking is incredibly harmful. “Many people use phrases like ‘I just need enough money to live comfortably,’ but the truth is, we all want more than enough,” Longmore told me. “We want to stop worrying about budgeting, settling, or living a smaller than we actually desire.”
If you want to invite more money into your life, Longmore says you need to stop apologizing for wanting it; at the end of the day, this is something we all want, and there’s no shame in it. After all, money is simply a tool. If you can start looking at it like that, your relationship with it will transform, and you will bring more wealth into your life.
2. Convince yourself it’s real
It’s not uncommon to feel like you’re lacking in some area. However, constantly saying you don’t have enough of something is incredibly toxic. “When you say you don’t have enough, what you’re really saying is you don’t feel like enough,” Longmore explained. She then went on to say that while this may feel real based on your current reality, it’s important to switch that mindset around.
Instead, Longmore recommends speaking as though you already have what you desire or the experience to get it. “Our brains don’t know the difference between what’s real or perceived, so tell yourself that you already possess what you want,” she said. “Convincing yourself and your brain of this can help move the money needle in the direction you want.”

3. Get intentional with your words
“If you say you’re struggling or feeling blocked or overwhelmed, your brain will find more evidence to prove that true,” Longmore told me. She then went on to give the example of someone who’s tired, burnt out, and overwhelmed. “Continuing to talk about how bad you’re feeling will only amplify things,” she explained. “You’ll feel less energized when all you want is to have more energy.”
To combat this, Longmore suggests getting intentional with your words. Words hold power, and more often than not, the words you choose reflect how you’re feeling inside. Likewise, they often manifest in your reality. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to succumb to toxic positivity or avoid validating your feelings—because that’s not good, either. Instead, simply be more mindful of what you’re saying, and choose your words carefully.
Examples of ways you can get intentional with words:
- “I want this but I’ll never have it because I’m always broke” → “I love seeing my bank account become more prosperous”
- “I wish I could have money like them” → “I’m excited to welcome the kind of financial abundance they enjoy into my life”
- “No matter what I do, I can’t seem to make money” → “Money flows easily to me”
- “Nothing’s ever here when I need it” → “The universe sends everything to me at exactly the right time”
4. Write out an abundance list
In addition to getting intentional with your words, Longmore also recommends writing out a list of words that feel abundant to you, like wealth, prosperity, overflow, etc. Doing this will make it easier to get intentional with your words because you’ll be able to replace harmful, negative ones more easily. Additionally, you can also try writing out a list of abundance affirmations to attract more wealth into your life.
The subconscious can be very sneaky, but altering your words can make all the difference. Likewise, starting everyday with a grateful, abundant mindset can help bring more wealth and prosperity into your life. Take charge of your words and finances, and in no time, riches will flow to you with ease. Remember: Inviting money into your life is all about mindset.