Nothing is worse than not being able to relax after a long day. We all have them, and it’s necessary that we take care of ourselves, and allow ourselves to decompress; in order to get a good night’s sleep so we can wake up and do it all over again the following day. Keep reading to find out how you can unwind after a long day.
Get off electronics
My boyfriend and I both have jobs on social media, and in all honesty, we end up on our phones more than I we would like. On the days I get on my phone, do what I need to do, and get off quickly, I notice a huge improvement in my mood and the way I feel. I don’t know why, but something about being on my iPhone for way too long really brings my mood down. I also feel less productive when I spend a significant amount of time on my phone.
Regardless of whether you’re on electronics for your job or not, I think it’s safe to say that we could all benefit from getting off electronics. Screens keep our brains wired, and if we’ve had a long day, staring at a screen isn’t going to help our minds decompress. We need to relax our bodies and our minds if we truly want to unwind. Start decreasing time on your phone slowly, and eventually you’ll be able to put it down for an hour of two without a second thought. If I don’t respond to texts right away, my family and friends know to call me if it’s an emergency or something important. If you’re worried about someone not being able to reach you in a time of need, tell your friends and family to call you if you don’t answer their text messages. By doing this, you’ll feel more comfortable parting with your phone.

Set the mood
One of my favorite things to do in life is light candles and sit in my living room (the crackling ones are especially dreamy). It may sound silly because it’s such a small pleasure, but it brings me so much joy. Candles relax me and give the room a calming vibe and peaceful energy. Do something that sets the tone for your body to unwind. If you enjoy music (classical music is perfect for setting the mood, IMO), try listening to music softly, and allow yourself to be taken away. Typically, if someone walks into a chaotic room, they won’t feel calm. Before you can let yourself unwind, it’s important to set the mood in order to do so.
Do something relaxing + shut your brain off
These two key points go hand-in-hand. Some people find it harder than others to turn their brain off, so it’s crucial that everyone finds something that not only relaxes them, but also allows them to shut their brains off and just not think. Going off of what I said above, when I light candles, I love to read. Reading is my mental escape because it gives my mind something to focus on besides the real world, and also relaxes me like nothing else. Getting lost in a good book is the best feeling ever. Sometimes, if I find myself struggling during the middle of a workday, I’ll take a thirty minute break and let myself read. When the thirty minutes is up, I find I can go back to my work with a refreshed and clearerhead.
Find the thing that relaxes you and allows you to shut your brain off. Like me, maybe it’s reading; or maybe it’s something like meditating. Whatever the case may be, once you figure out what works for you, make sure you take the time each day to do it.

Relish in the silence
There is something about the energy of pure peace and quiet that’s simply unmatched. Think about it: when you go to a spa, it’s never loud, jarring, or tense. If it was, no one would leave feeling renewed, they’d leave feeling pissed off and annoyed.
I grew up in a big family with a loud, chaotic household, and I can honestly say that pure silence is amazing. When it seems as if the whole world is still, allow yourself to feel that stillness. Take a deep breath and relish in it. Pure quietness is rare and precious, so take the time to let yourself enjoy it. Don’t let yourself worry about anything else but the moment you’re in.