Meet My 3 Favorite Crystals: Selenite, Rose Quartz, + Clear Quartz

Meet My 3 Favorite Crystals: Selenite, Rose Quartz, + Clear Quartz

Crystals have been around since the dawn of time, and as of late, have become a staple in mainstream pop culture. Beloved for their natural healing properties and vibrations, even nice added décor throughout a home, it’s no wonder crystal lovers like myself can’t get enough! Although my collection has grown since I first started my crystal journey, there are three crystals that are my absolute must-haves: selenite, rose quartz, and clear quartz.

These three crystals are some of the ones I made in my very first crystal purchase and have remained a staple in my crystal collection since. They’ve steadily remained my favorites and are the ones I’ve felt the strongest energy from; they’re also great for crystal beginners, too! Below I’m going to break down why I love these crystals, what I feel from them, and how I use them.


When I ventured into a crystal store for the very first time, I was immediately drawn to selenite wands. Now, I have one in literally every room of my house.

Selenite is a cleansing stone, meaning that it can help rid your aura of negativity and cleanse your spirit. It also has a strong protective energy to help ward off unwanted energy from entering your life. It’s also a master healing stone; which gives it the ability to help heal physical and spiritual ailments in the mind, body, and soul.

Pictured above, to the right in both pictures, my selenite wand

I personally love selenite because of the fact that it’s a master cleanser and can be used for many different things. Most crystals need to be charged and recharged every so often, but selenite does not. It’s cleansing abilities can also naturally charge and cleanse other crystals as well—making it so I can feel the powerful vibrations of all my stones! Selenite’s calming energy is infectious. One time, my little brother was over my house and picked up my selenite wand without thinking about it and said that he felt instantly calmer the minute he held it in his hand.

The first time I really used selenite was on a day where I’d thrown my neck out badly—the worst I had in a long time. Unable to do anything, I laid down and read, and for some reason, thought to put my selenite wand on top of the muscle spasm at the base of my neck. I ended up feeling so relaxed I even dozed off for a bit, which absolutely never happens! Though my neck wasn’t magically healed (as nice as that would’ve been), I did feel calmer and more relaxed. This, in turn, reduced the amount of stress and tension I was holding in my body, and the pain became slightly more tolerable. I also use the wand each night before bed and wave it down my body, starting at my head to the soles of my feet; I then follow it up by touching my selenite wand to all seven of my chakras to release tension and cleanse my aura.

Rose Quartz

It’s no secret that I’m obsessed with pink, so I’m sure it’s not surprising that I was also immediately drawn to rose quartz. Known as the universal stone of love, rose quartz purifies and opens the heart to all forms of love, self-forgiveness, healing, and inner peace. It also can comfort you in times of grief.

There was a time during this past spring in which I was having difficulty with some PTSD, to the point where it began to affect every aspect of my life. I thought I’d had a handle on it, but clearly, I was wrong. Finally, when I’d had enough, I picked up my favorite crystal book, Crystal Bliss, and found the page dedicated to rose quartz and self-love. Picking up my rose quartz point, I held it in my left hand (I picked the left because it’s the side the heart is on), looked at the stone gripped in my palm, and repeated silently to myself: “In all moments, I will gift myself with unconditional love.” I kept repeating this mantra until I felt myself believe it. I can’t really put into words how much better I felt after, but the turmoil I was fighting internally simmered down enough to the point where I was able to deal with it properly.

My rose quartz point (left), and my rose quartz polished heart (right)

I love using rose quartz to promote self-love. Self-love is the foundation of all other forms of love and relationships. This stone promotes loving vibes that I’ve felt radiate throughout myself, as well as my home and relationship.

Clear Quartz

Much like selenite, clear quartz is also a powerful healing stone that can be used universally to help aide all ailments and align and open up all of our seven chakras. An amplifier of energy, it awakens and brings balance to all areas of the mind and body. Clear quartz also helps protect against negative energy and can help relieve pain.

The first clear quartz stone I bought was very small; its vibrations, however, were not. I began working on this blog in February of 2019, and did the design on my own, which required me to learn a little bit of coding. Naturally—because I’m not super tech-savvy—there were times more stressful than others. During one of those particularly stressful moments, I picked up my clear quartz stone and held it in my left hand (I’m right handed, so it made sense to hold it in the opposite) while I continued working. Within ten minutes, I was calm and grounded again.

The small, clear crystals are my pieces of clear quartz

Now, in times of stress, or when my neck or shoulder is throbbing with incessant pain, I’ll hold my clear qaurtz stone in my hand or place it on areas of my body where I feel physical pain. I’m not a huge meditator (though I’m going to keep working on it), but the times I have meditated in the past, I’ve used my clear quartz to amplify the energy. This is a powerful stone, an absolute must-have for every crystal collection.


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