Recently, I’ve fallen in love with the idea of being grounded and one with the universe. I believe in God and go to church every Sunday, but I’ve really been taking the extra time and care to work on my inner zen as of late. The following quotes have really resonated with me, and have also helped me gain some extra perspective and insight as to what this world can truly hold. My hope for this post is that you’ll find some comfort or reassurance from these quotes, that they’ll resonate really well with you, or even help unlock some deeper insight inside of you that will fuel your spiritual journey.
For some reason, this quote makes me feel really f*cking powerful. It reminds me that underneath our skin, we’re all really made of glitter and gold. Whenever I’m feeling unsure about myself or anxious, I refer back to this quote to give myself a little boost of energy and confidence.
My boyfriend has always said “what you think is what you manifest.” I’ve watched him live by that motto firsthand for six years now, and I never fully understood it until recently. When I started working on my inner zen and grounding, I found myself thinking: The energy and love you put into the universe is the same energy and love you get back. This train of thought practically mimicks the last sentence of the quote above, and correlates to the overall theme of it as well. I personally love this quote because it serves as a good reminder to only put out positive energy and happiness into the universe every single day. What we put out, we get back. Simple as that. We’re the ones who make things so complicated.
This quote serves as a special reminder that we all have the capability to do anything we want. We don’t need anything else but ourselves to live up to our fullest potential.
The universe is an idea that we create to fit the narrative of our life. Switch that around, change your mindset. You are the universe in human form. It’s not the other way around—you are not a human inside the universe.
Much like late president JFK said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”—this quote is essentially telling us the same thing. We don’t need to ask for anything from the universe, we only need to ask from ourselves. When I begin to feel overwhelmed with life, or lost without any clear direction, I refer back to this quote because it reminds me that I’m in control of my life and I have the power to handle it all on my own. From there, I’ll gain a sense of clarity and be able to focus on what really matters, going forward with a grateful heart and open mind.