2019, for me, has been a year filled with mindfulness, spirituality, and awakening of the soul. Since we are now in November, I wanted to make a post dedicated to quotes for the soul, ones I find help me dive in and think deeper, feel more, and be more at one with the universe. These are my quotes for the soul.

This quote, to me, is a very strong, loud one; which is why I felt it would be the perfect one to start off with. There are a lot of things going on in this particular quote, but what really speaks to me is: “it takes a very strong individual to sit with themselves, calm their storms, and heal all their issues without trying to bring someone else into their chaos.” Through this year of self-growth, I’ve found that admitting to problems, taking responsibility for your actions and mistakes instead of blaming what you did on circumstances, is the first step to really, truly healing. You can’t be at peace inside your soul if you’re fighting a war inside your body. You are the only one who can fix yourself. Do not blame others, and do not bring others into your own individual mess. Once you recognize and own up to your flaws, then you can set about fixing the outside circumstances.

I absolutely adore this quote. Life is meant to be lived for yourself and on your own terms. Worrying about competing with or being better than others is a waste of time. Every day you wake up you should try to focus on bettering yourself. Do that, and you’ll open your soul up to a whole new world of possibilities.

As someone who was severely bullied in high school, I’ve always tried to make a conscious effort to never judge anyone. If you hold judgement in your heart, you’re blocking your soul from being free. Judgement, bitterness, resentment—all of those emotions and emotions like it are all simply a reflection on you, and how unhappy you are inside. You don’t know what someone has gone through in their life to get where they are today. If you wouldn’t judge a book by its’ cover, don’t judge someone else. Period.

Much like the quote above, someone who holds empathy in their soul is probably someone who knows what it’s like to suffer, to struggle, to be in pain. Try to open yourself up and be more understanding. This quote resonates with me deeply. I love how straightforward it is.

There is a huge difference between being religious and being spiritual. As someone who believes in God and chooses to go to church every Sunday, I will forever take my spirituality over my religion any day. Spirituality allows us to open our hearts and our minds, in turn opening up our soul. If you want to live a mindful life and avoid being closed-minded, getting in touch with your spirituality will do just that. I’ve found my spirituality through healing crystals, allowing myself to be still in nature, going for more walks and admiring the beauty of the Earth, opening up my chakras through crystals, and reading about being one with the universe.

Have you ever met someone you just can’t get a read on? Yeah, same—and I never take that as a good sign. In fact, I always take it as a bad sign. You can wear a mask and pretend to be someone you’re not all you want. You can try to chameleon to the people around you to fit in better. But one day, one day, the mask will suddenly slip, and you’ll reveal who you really are. It may not happen right away, but in time it will. Side note: when I can’t get a read on someone, I make sure to keep my distance.

I think this is the perfect quote to wrap up this post! There isn’t much to say—Audrey Hepburn summed it up perfectly. Her and Marilyn Monroe have blessed us all with wise words that will forever transcend time and space.