One of the most vital things in living a life filled with love, acceptance, and gratefulness is inner peace. Inner peace begins once we unlock and absolve whatever turmoil is residing deep inside us. Once we do that, outside forces lose their power and ability to disrupt our lives with negative energy. Inner peace brings us clarity and a new, positive way of looking at the world. Below are some quotes that help me gain perspective and comfort me whenever I feel lost or like negative energy has entered my life. Inner peace is something that we all have to make a conscious effort to work for and at every single day, but the hard work is so worth it.

Life happens. There’s simply no way around it. I heard someone once say: “you need to take life moment by moment. You need to remind yourself that you have everything you need in this very moment.” That really resonated with me. When life begins to feel overwhelming , stop and take that deep breath. Take as many deep breaths as you need to until you feel calm inside again. The calmness can only lead to positivity, and positivity can lead you to peace.

I’m a hardcore ocean lover (I prefer the salt water to a pool, any day of the week), so this quote resonates with me extra hard. Even if you’re not obsessed with the ocean like me, this quote serves as a really good reminder of how everything in the universe is connected. The ocean can wreak havoc and destruction one moment, and be completely placid the next. If the ocean can naturally calm itself, so can you. We all have the ability within ourselves. Everything’s connected.

At the end of the day, the only person we can control is ourselves. It is not in our job description as humans to control another person, and we certainly don’t have the capability of controlling the events around us. Once you realize this and understand it, you will find peace. Control your emotions. Don’t let them control you.

Over the summer I found myself desperately seeking ways to ward off negative energy. I was spending time with people and realized that their negativity was sneaking into my life. I found myself drained for a full day after spending time with them. This really bothered me because these people are close and extremely important to me. I wanted to find another solution rather than distancing myself from them. To me, distancing myself seemed like the easy way out. I don’t know when it happened or what made it happen, but it suddenly hit me one day—the realization that I was the one letting their negative energy affect me. I realized that their negative energy was out of my control. I could either choose to let it affect me or not. I always accept people for who they are, and I never expect anyone to change; certainly not for me, anyway. The next time I saw them, I felt like I was wearing a protective shield filled with only positive and radiant light. Only I have the power to let negativity into my life, and the best way to ward off negative energy is to respond with love, kindness, and positivity.

I feel like this quote really wraps this whole post up. Things happen in life that we have no control over. I had no control over getting rear ended by a drunk driver. I never worried about it happening, and I was certainly taken by surprise when it did (literally because the guy came out of nowhere). Of course I struggled for awhile afterward; I had to come to grips with losing everything in my life and rebuilding it again. Yet, during that time, I still woke up every day with the intention of striving for peace within the chaos. There were times that I failed; I cried until my tears ran out, I felt like I was going crazy, I felt so isolated and invisible in the world. We all struggle, we all have hard times. We all suffer from time to time. Learn to embrace the storms of your life, and wake up each day with an open mind, grateful heart, and the intention of striving for peace. Eventually, you will be able to find the stillness inside of you and drown out all of the unnecessary background noise.
I like the efforts you have put in this, thanks for all the great content.
Thank you so much! I am so happy to hear that!!