When it comes to exercise, there is no one-size-fits-all regimen. Everyone person is at different fitness levels, enjoy working out at different times, and respond better to specific workouts. Although all of that is true, there is one time of day that, undoubtedly, gives you serious benefits.
Working out in the A.M. gives everyone big rewards—health wise, mentally, physically, and spiritually.
I get it—it can be so tempting to hit that snooze button and sleep just a little bit longer, but I’m here to tell you the benefits of exercise in the a.m, and how to make it happen. By the end, you’ll be setting your alarm clock for early tomorrow morning.
Everything To Know About Morning Workouts:

The 5 Benefits of A.M Workouts:
1. You’re less likely to skip.
Working out first thing in the morning means you’re less likely to run into any roadblocks or distractions that will prevent you from getting in that sweat sesh. After a long day of work, it’s easy to fall victim to fatigue or find a friend or family member suddenly” needs” you.
Regardless of the reasoning, working out first thing in the a.m. makes you less likely to skip. Likewise, you’ll also be able to fully hold yourself accountable.
2. It gives you a burst of energy.
Have you ever gotten a workout in at night and found that you ended up having difficulty falling asleep? You’re not alone. Studies have shown that exercise gives you more energy than a cup of coffee. So when you workout in the morning, you’re essentially getting an all-natural dose of caffeine.
Basically, regardless of how tired you may be when you first rise, a morning workout will give you the burst of energy you need. I personally love exercising in the morning for this reason. I’ve found that it helps wake me up, gets me ready for the day, and also keeps me moving and productive throughout.
3. Helps you sleep better.
If working out at night is more likely to stimulate your body and prevent you from getting a good night’s rest, it only makes sense that morning workouts are more likely to give you a longer, deeper, and more peaceful slumber. Sleeping better at night will in turn make it easier for you to wake up in the morning and do it all over again.
4. It improves your mood.
Exercise releases endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine—the chemicals your brain naturally produces that make you feel good and can help get rid of stress. Not only will working out in the A.M. give you all the happy feels, you’ll feel better about yourself and proud that you started your day on a productive note. Additionally, exercise will make it so you’re less likely to start off your day frazzled, in turn making you happier and lighter on your feet, able to tackle anything. Basically, when you feel good, you do good.
5. It promotes healthy habits.
Exercising in the a.m. will help you create a good morning routine for yourself. And establishing a routine that prioritizes morning workouts is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Also, working out early will make you more conscious of what you’re putting into your body; you’re more likely to be mindful of what you’re eating and drinking.

How To Make Morning Workouts Happen:
Making the transition to working out in the A.M. can be challenging if you’re not used to it—but don’t let that stop you. Let’s break down how you can make morning workouts happen:
1. Start slow.
Babies crawl before they walk, and if morning workouts are something you’re not accustomed to, baby steps are key. Ease into this new routine gently by allowing yourself a time slot where you can exercise for thirty minutes. It can be walking, running, Pilates, lifting–anything you want–so long as you’re getting in that little bit of exercise. Do this for a week or two, then increase your workout window to forty or forty five minutes. The goal to easing into this new routine slowly is to gently get your body accustomed to waking up earlier and earlier; eventually, waking up bright and early for a morning workout will be second nature.
2. Opt for home workouts.
It’s no wonder celebrities have home gyms because getting to the gym is time-consuming. You have to take into account travel time, the time it takes for you to get situated and begin your workout, the cool down, the time it takes to shower, and so on and so forth. Instead, when transitioning into this new routine, try opting for at-home workouts. There are plenty of options available for free online, and you’ll be able to just get up and get into it. You’ll cut down the time you’d normally need for the gym at least in half, but probably more. If you need some inspiration for at-home workouts, check out this post here.
3. Plan ahead.
Planning ahead is key to ensuring you get that early morning sweat sesh in. Lay out your clothes the night before, map out your morning routine—are you going to change and get right into it, or are you going to have coffee first?—and pick out what workout you want to do the night before so you don’t have to think in the morning.
4. Get to bed earlier.
Naturally, if you’re going to be waking up earlier, you’re going to want to get to bed earlier. If you’re getting up a half hour earlier than you would normally, try going to bed a half hour earlier. Make sure you plan out your nighttime routine so that it fits into your schedule and allows you to get to bed at a decent hour. What time are you going to have supper? How long do you need for your nighttime skincare routine, and when should you start it? Map out a routine and follow it.
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