With the fast-paced world we live in, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. A lot of us often feel like there’s so much going on, and juggling all of the different tasks that require our attention can seem nearly impossible. Balancing work, our health, relationships, and everything else can sometimes feel like a feat we’ll never achieve. What’s the secret to it all? How can we master balancing everything that needs our attention, and still manage to take time for ourselves, without running ourselves into the ground?
The truth is that it can be done. After all, life is all about balance. Balancing work, health, relationships, and more doesn’t have to be a daunting task. In fact, with the right steps, it really can be quite easy.
Below I’ve broken down all my tips for fixing your unbalanced life. Implement these tips into your life to rebalance the scales again.
Tips for fixing an unbalanced life:

- Know your priorities and plan ahead. There may be 24 hours in a day, but a good amount of those hours should be dedicated to sleeping, which means that you’re going to have to learn how to prioritize things in your life correctly. Knowing what your priorities are will give you the chance to plan ahead. I personally love making a schedule at the beginning of every week. I do this by keeping track of all of my appointments, birthdays, and more in the calendar on my phone. I also stick to a regimented schedule with my writing and blog posts, and all of that combined allows me to plan my week accordingly. Having a clear-cut schedule laid out for you will alleviate unnecessary pressure and stress; you’ll know exactly what you have to do and when. This will make your life a million times easier even if you’re busy, and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.
- Don’t multitask. Trying to multitask usually backfires, and causes things to take longer than they would alone. When it’s time to get to work, focus on your work and your work only. The same goes for everything else in your life. Avoiding multitasking will also allow you to give your full and undivided attention to the task at hand, which will be better for everyone and everything. Disconnecting from your phone during these times will also be helpful, and planning your week and what each day will look like ahead of time will also help you avoid multitasking. When you’re focused on one thing and one thing alone, you don’t feel as overworked, and you’re more likely to get things done in a more timely fashion.
- Get plenty of rest. Getting the right amount of sleep is so important to your overall health. Some things that come with lack of sleep include a weakened immune system, making you more susceptible to sickness; clouded judgment and thinking, affecting your brain’s responses and everything else; and can even alter your appearance, just to name a few. If you’re in the midst of something big, you may find that you’re in total go-mode—not taking care of yourself and resting properly—and that’s fine for a small amount of time, but once that’s over, it’s important that you start getting the proper rest again. You can only burn the candle at both ends for so long, which is why it’s important to prioritize getting plenty of rest when it comes to living an overall balanced life.
- Stay active. Besides the obvious reasons why exercise is super beneficial to you, it’s also great for your brain. Exercise releases endorphins in the brain that make you feel better, and those endorphins help provide sharper memory and thinking. Staying active is good for both your mind and body, and doing so will also be better for you in your life. You’ll feel better getting your body moving if it’s just for a short amount of time, as opposed to just sitting on your butt.

- Balance food and drinks. When you constantly deprive yourself of something, you’re going to go crazy when you finally have it again. I’m a huge believer in balancing both food and drinks in life. Try keeping “cheat” foods and drinks in the house regularly to remove the mystique surrounding them. This will help get rid of some of that temptation, as well as help normalize it. Living a healthy life doesn’t mean depriving yourself of treats, it means enjoying everything in moderation. Balancing food and drinks in your life will make you feel more balanced.
- Give yourself rest and recovery days regularly. Taking time to sit back, rest, and recover is vital for every aspect of your life. Make rest and recovery days a regular thing at least once a week. I personally love taking Saturdays to sit back and relax. I don’t do any work on Saturdays, and when I get back to it the following day, I find that my mind is clearer, and I’m excited and ready to tackle the week ahead. Make sure you’re giving yourself time to sit back and relax regularly, this will help recharge your mind, body, and soul, and keep you balanced.
- Take time alone for yourself. There’s something very beneficial about taking time for yourself and yourself alone. If possible, try to take at least 10-15 minutes of time for yourself daily; if you can’t do that, try to fit it in as much as possible throughout the week. This time alone can come in many forms: meditation, exercise, journaling, and even taking walks in the cold, fresh air are some great ways to take time for yourself. Time alone gives you the chance to refocus your mind and energy, work through anything that’s nagging you, and drown out the white noise in the background. It’s a chance to reflect and regroup. We all do our best work and growth in life when we’re alone. Doing this will be a huge asset when it comes to living a balanced life.