Two summers ago, Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen made their literary debut with The Wife Between Us, and while I was part of the minority that didn’t really feel a certain way about the book (I was in the in between category), last summer they came back with An Anonymous Girl and blew me away. That book hooked me. When I read the synopsis for their third book together, You Are Not Alone, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it.
I sank my teeth into this book; I flew through it in a 24 hour window. Mesmerizing and unique, You Are Not Alone is a psychological thriller that truly explores the depths and primal fear of isolation.
‘You are not alone’ Synopsis:

You probably know someone like Shay Miller. She wants to find love, but it eludes her. She wants to be fulfilled, but her job is a dead end. She wants to belong, but her life is so isolated. You probably don’t know anyone like the Moore sisters. They have an unbreakable circle of friends. They live the most glamorous life. They always get what they desire. Shay thinks she wants their life. But what they really want is hers.

You Are Not Alone is set in New York City, and not only do I personally love the Big Apple and am a sucker for any book set against the glitzy backdrop of the big city and bright lights, it served as the perfect setting for both the plot and theme of this book. Gritty and glamorous, the Moore sisters are a direct reflection of what the city can offer the elite, while Shay represents the not-so glamorous or enviable life the city has to offer. The other thing I loved about the setting was how it made Shay’s loneliness that much more heartbreaking. In a city of over eight million people, it’s hard to believe that Shay still lived in total isolation; she spent her days walking through throngs of people, riding the subway, eating dinner alone at busy restaurants, and still wasn’t able to find that special connection. It’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of life, and in the city that never sleeps, seemingly that much easier.
The book opens up with a major tragedy that Shay bears witness to. This is what sets her down a dangerous path and how she comes to meet the Moore sisters. Right away, we know Cassandra and Jane are hiding something. They have it all, and they have a loyal group of friends on top of it. Vigilantes in their own right, they take what they want when they want, and do what they want when they want simply because they can. They don’t wait for anyone to give them anything. We as the readers can see that something isn’t right about Cassandra and Jane, but Shay—who is a very intelligent women, diligently learning and keeping data books about random facts of the world—sees and believes only what she wants to. The authors do a good job conveying a character who is so desperate to fit in somewhere, to belong, to not be so lonely anymore, that she’ll go against her better judgment despite it all.

You Are Not Alone takes you on a gripping thrill ride, but I particularly loved how the human fear of isolation was explored. My heart broke for Shay as I was reading. I, like so many others, know what it’s like to truly be alone, to feel completely isolated from the rest of the world, to seemingly have no one. Some people may enjoy or even relish in being alone more than others, but at the end of the day, everyone wants someone who will be there when they need them. Loneliness is a crushing feeling, and it weighs heavily on you when all you have is time to try and keep yourself busy, and also sit with your own thoughts day in and day out.
In the authors’ previous book, An Anonymous Girl, I was blown away by their ability to make a character feel so real, to bury themselves and get under my skin—and You Are Not Alone was no different. Hendricks and Pekkanen have created a character that everyone can relate to, can feel a pang of sympathy for. The rawness of the characters is what takes this good plot line and makes it an amazing story. This book will not disappoint you. Add this to your summer reading list and get ready for an addictive read.