I don’t know about you, but I feel like sticking to New Year’s resolutions is easier said than done. The same goes for “me” time. Because despite my best intentions, my wants and needs inevitably get put on the back burner when life happens. But now that I’m planning my wedding, taking care of myself is more important than ever. Which is why I’m making realistic self-care New Year’s resolutions for 2024.
The truth is, we all should be making time for ourselves regularly. And setting simple goals that’ll help you stay healthy, happy and glowing this year is the perfect way to do just that.
Allow me to introduce to you 10 self-care New Year’s resolutions you will actually stick to. Thanks to these goals and free 31 Days of Self-Care Checklist and Morning Ritual Guide you receive when you sign up for Flawless World’s newsletter, taking care of yourself has never been so easy. Keep scrolling to learn more.
10 Realistic Self-Care New Year’s Resolutions:

1. Create a morning ritual
Mornings can set the tone for the day ahead, and having a ritual that makes you feel happy and calm can help set you up for success for the day ahead. So, make it a goal to create a routine that helps you enter your day feeling this way. This may mean waking up earlier to enjoy some quiet time, meditating or journaling, getting in a morning workout and so on.
Whatever the case may be, the key is to create a routine that shifts your mindset in a positive direction and makes you feel calm. That way, you’ll be ready and able to handle whatever comes your way. Likewise, don’t be afraid to experiment to find what works best for you. We’re all unique in our own way, so what works for others may not for you, and that’s OK!
2. Engage in self-pleasure regularly
This just in: Sexual wellness is self-care. Which is why engaging in self-pleasure regularly should be high on your list of priorities. Not only can this help you discover what you like in the bedroom, but it can also improve your mood, help you sleep better, relieve pain, and release stress.
To ensure you’re regularly indulging in self-pleasure, pencil in time for solo play at least once or twice a week. Not only will this make sex a priority, but it will also build up anticipation and excitement, which will in turn increase your sex drive.
Additionally, if you’re new to solo play, give yourself permission to start slow. caressing your body and intimate parts is a great way to ease into this. Likewise, it’ll also help you better connect with yourself and get more comfortable being sexual.

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3. Drink more water
Haven’t you heard? A gallon a day keeps the wrinkles at bay. On top of keeping skin more youthful, staying hydrated helps fight fatigue, cleanses the body from toxins, and prevents injury by keeping your joints lubricated and cushioned. For this reason, make it a goal to drink more water this year. The easiest way to do this is to carry a water bottle with your constantly so you don’t forget to stay hydrated. Also, adding a slice or lemon, orange, lime or cucumbers to your water can help flavorize it naturally.
4. Practice mindfulness more often
Let’s be real: We all can afford to be a little more mindful. So, set aside time each week to engage in mindfulness practices like deep breathing, meditation, journaling, practicing gratitude, prayer, and stretching. Taking the time to do this will help you get back in touch with yourself, clear your mind, and ground you in the present moment. And all of these feelings will give you the fuel you need to achieve your goals.

5. Improve the quality of your sleep
It’s no secret that getting plenty of rest plays a crucial role in overall health, but have you ever stopped to consider how the quality of your sleep is affecting you? Although we tend to focus on how many hours we sleep, focusing on the quality of it—aka how well you sleep—is equally important. Poor sleep quality can lead to a myriad of physical and mental health issues you don’t need. So this year, focus on improving the quality of your sleep.
To do this, get 7+ hours of sleep each night, maintain a consistent wake up time and bedtime, and limit naps throughout the day. Additionally, staying active is also key; this will release pent-up energy that might keep you awake when you go to bed.
6. Stay active
We’re all busy AF, but staying active is so important; physical activity can improve brain health, lower your risk of disease, strengthen your bones and muscles, and more. And the good news is that you can stay active however you want. Whether you opt for weight training, Pilates, yoga, or a casual stroll, etc., staying active this year is going to make you feel like the healthiest version of yourself. Just be sure to pencil in time to move on your calendar. That way, it’ll be a priority.
7. Spend less time on your phone
I don’t know about you, but doom scrolling always puts me in a bad mood. While technology is a beautiful thing, it can also make us feel disconnected and increase feelings of anxiety and depression. To combat this and feel your best, make it a goal to spend less time on your phone this year. One of the easiest ways to do this is to put your phone on Do Not Disturb; this will silence notifications and make you less likely to mindlessly pick up your phone and start scrolling.
Additionally, you can also try using an app that limits your time on social media. Likewise, you can also designate certain text and ringtones for people. That way, you’re less likely to pick up the phone and break your focus because you’ll know who’s texting or calling you.

8. Romanticize your alone time
If we’re being honest, even the most extroverted people need alone time sometimes. In truth, spending time alone is great for mental health; it allows you to connect with yourself on a deeper level while recharging your social battery and increasing creativity. Regardless of how outgoing you are or how little privacy you have (looking at you, parents), schedule time for yourself throughout the week.
This year, schedule for yourself throughout the week and romanticize your alone time like never before. Treat yourself to a delicious home-cooked meal while listening to a dreamy playlist or pamper yourself with an at-home spa treatment; light some candles and do some deep breathing or give yourself a manicure while enjoying a nice glass of vino. Whatever you decide, romanticizing your alone time will allow you to slow down, luxuriate, and be present.
9. Keep your libido in check
Haven’t you heard? A healthy libido is a sign of a healthy body. Of course, it can go into hiding sometimes for a number of reasons (think: birth control pills, stress, anxiety, etc.), but this year, make it a goal to keep yours in check. Staying on top of your libido will help you stay on top of your health, which definitely isn’t a bad thing.
For starters, maintain a healthy sex drive by taking care of your overall well-being. This includes eating the right foods, getting plenty of sleep, exercising, and effectively managing stress. Additionally, it also means having more sex; the longer you go without something, the less you want it.

10. Say “no” more
How many times have you said “yes” to something when you’ve really wanted to say “no”? Chances are the number is too high to count. Don’t get me wrong—it’s good to get out and step out of comfort zones occasionally, but it’s also important to do whatever brings you happiness. While you may feel guilty for turning something down, prioritize saying “no” more in 2024.
Listening to your internal joy meter is one of the easiest ways to do this. This means putting your energy and focus into the things that bring you happiness. For example, let yourself turn down the happy hour invite if you’re exhausted from work and stay in if you want to. Whatever the case may be, you shouldn’t feel guilty for following your heart and doing what’s right for you. And anyone who cares about you will understand.