Between shaking off the first date jitters, learning the green flags to know, and knowing how to break awkward silences, dating can sometimes feel like a full-time job. But to then throw online dating into the mix? Well, you have more obstacles to tackle, like creating the perfect bio and knowing which dating app red flags to be aware of.
In truth, although countless shows and movies have shown the dangers of online dating (The Tinder Swindler, anyone?) it’s still hard to recognize when something’s very, very wrong. After all, there can be a disconnect when operating in the online world.
However, online dating is here to stay. But instead of romanticizing a simpler time when rom-com meet-cutes supposedly happened in real life, it’s time to hop aboard the dating app train and learn how to use them successfully. And that starts with learning the 7 most common dating app red flags to be aware of. Keep scrolling to learn more.
7 Dating app red flags You Can Spot From Their Profile:

1. They skip getting to know you
Dating is all about getting to know someone, so it’s a red flag when someone completely skips over that part and goes straight to romantic gestures and declarations—think: weekend getaways, saying “I love you” immediately after meeting you, etc. This could mean they’re not looking for a real relationship or be a sign of something more sinister, like love bombing.
2. They have a generic profile
Not only is a generic profile a red flag, it’s also a beige one, too. Profiles that contain things like lots of gym selfies and an unoriginal bio can be a sign of a boring person. Of course, boring is all subjective, but trying to date someone without a personality will be challenging and a total snooze fest, to say the least.
That said, generic profiles can also indicate that someone has something to hide, and the same goes for missing information, too. Being unable to get a read on someone is also typically a big warning sign.
3. They don’t put in any effort
Let’s be real: Mixed signals aren’t cool. It makes absolutely no sense to match with someone then put no effort into getting to know them. It’s a red flag when you’re the one constantly reaching out to them; if you’re doing that now, it’ll only continue into your relationship.

4. They showcase an over-the-top, lavish lifestyle
To be fair, if I owned a private jet I would definitely post it online and dating apps. (Don’t judge me! You know you would too.) However, my over-the-top lifestyle wouldn’t be the only thing on there.
When someone’s dating profile and social media accounts only showcase their lavish lifestyle, it’s a big red flag. This could be indicative of a lot of things: a) they’re catfishing you and lying about who they are; b) they’re ego-driven; c) they’re devoid and empty inside and crave validation through external and material things. Whatever the case may be, this is definitely something to be wary of.
5. They’re negative or demanding
Negative or demanding profiles are also big red flags. “Don’t bother if you’re not 6’2″ and less than $100k” and “no fat chicks” are examples of this. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with knowing what you want, but it’s a big red flag when someone’s extremely stubborn or unwilling to compromise. (There is a difference between being too picky and settling!) This is often a sign of someone who’s bitter about online dating or dating in general, or controlling, and neither one of those things belong in a healthy relationship.

6. They’re inconsistent
Everyone’s busy, so it’s unsurprising that, at times, conversation exchanges can be sporadic. However, it can be a red flag when someone is continually inconsistent. Someone who’s inconsistent may be emotionally unavailable or only looking for one thing. Either way, you don’t need to get caught up in their game; it’ll only drag you down.
In addition, beware of someone whose actions don’t line up with their words. For example: They claim that they want to settle down yet continue to party every weekend and post photos with models draped around their arms.
7. They’re not on Google
If you can’t find them online, how can you trust they are who they say they are? Having no online presence in today’s day and age is not the norm. Of course, there will always be exceptions, but most of the time, this is a huge red flag, and one of the biggest signs you’re being catfished. Not having social media is one thing, but registered voters and homeowners in the U.S can easily be found on Google.

In conclusion…
Dating in the modern world can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to cause you extra, unnecessary stress. Knowing what to look for and be aware of on dating apps can help you better protect yourself. Trust your gut and follow your instincts; if something seems off or amiss, it’s probably because it is. Try your best to use common sense and stay grounded when navigating dating apps, and trust that when the time is right, the right person will enter your life.