Yes, You Can Stay Sane In The Midst Of Chaos

Yes, You Can Stay Sane In The Midst Of Chaos

This entire year has been wild. A pandemic alone would be enough to put everyone on edge, the same way an election year by itself would as well. Now, throw those two things together, and you basically have a recipe for disaster. The entire world has been uneasy and restless. From being cooped up in our homes and scared of the ever-present threat of sickness every time we step out the door, to tension so thick you could cut it with a knife thanks to the presidential election, everyone is on the verge of tipping over the edge. And why wouldn’t we be? Sure, this is the new “normal” now (e.g.: we have to wear masks in all public places), and the entire world has to go through it, but that doesn’t necessarily make it any easier. After all, this has been going on for 11 months.

All of this craziness lately has gotten me thinking about ways to stay sane in the midst of chaos. It can be difficult to do so when everywhere you turn there’s a breaking news headline about COVID-19 or the election, negativity has flooded all social media platforms, and restaurants and businesses have been lost this year. Sometimes it seems almost impossible to keep yourself grounded, but as hard as it may be to believe, there are ways to keep yourself sane during the midst of chaos. (Think: that meme where someone’s sitting at a bar and the entire world behind them is on fire and they’re like, “I’m fine, this is fine.”)

Below I’ve broken down all the ways to keep yourself sane in the midst of chaos. Keep on reading to find out how.

How to stay sane in the midst of chaos:

  • Step away from your phone. This is probably the biggest one when it comes to keeping yourself sane in the midst of chaos. It’s important to take a step back away from both the news and social media because thesee platforms will make you feel as though you’re at the end of everything. It’s perfectly fine to be updated on what’s going on in the world around you, but allowing it to consume you is when it becomes toxic. Social media—since it’s so relevant—also adds in painting an entirely bleak picture of the world and stirring up even more divided tension; it’s basically like throwing oil on a fire. Getting off your phone will help keep you sane.
  • Do something good for your brain. Keeping your brain sharp is so important in life, and doing activities that stimulate your brain and help keep it sharp will also allow you to stay sane in the midst of chaos. When you’re busy focusing on something else, you won’t have time to think about the craziness or things that could weigh you down. Try reading a book, doing a puzzle, playing cards, etc. In moments where I feel like I’m spinning out of control and don’t know what to do with myself, I always pick up a book. It helps every time.
  • Try a mindless activity. Want to know what I think the best thing about video games is? They stimulate you enough to the point where you don’t feel like you’re dragging if you’re tired, but they also allow you to give both yourself and your mind a break, and not think about almost anything for a little while. Sure, sometimes a game may require a little bit of your brain focus, but it’ll be just enough to not wear your down, and it’ll also take your focus away from what’s going on in the world. Try mindless activities like playing video games to help keep your mind busy when you feel like you can’t focus on activities that require more brain power.
  • Get fresh air. Now, I know it can harder to get fresh air in certain places than others thanks to the climate, but if there’s any way you can get fresh air: do it. Fresh air is rejuvenating, and there’s something so calming about it. Go outside and go for a walk, read a book or have a glass of wine on your deck, or even just open the windows. Whenever I’m working and it’s really nice out I always open the windows so I don’t feel shut in. There’s something so soothing about hearing the birds and nature.
  • Exercise. Exercise is great for keeping yourself sane because it stimulates you both physically and mentally because you’re focused on what you’re doing in that moment. Exercise can be anything—dancing, walking, running, lifting, yoga, etc.! Exercise is also great for keeping you calm during the midst of chaos because it allows you to feel your feet firmly planted on the ground and your body in motion, which will help ground you.
  • Play an instrument or listen to classical music. Tension in the air calls for something soothing, and classical music is just that. Listen to classical music to help yourself relax if you feel yourself getting caught up in the craziness. Put it on low in the background while you’re cooking, cleaning, reading a book, etc. Playing an instrument will also keep your brain active, thus taking your mind off of everything. It’s also really good for your brain, so that’s a plus as well.
  • Try a new recipe. Trying a new recipe requires focus and is a good distraction. The length of time this will take up will vary depending on the intricacy of the dish, but this time—however long or short it is—will help keep you sane and live in the present moment more. Who knows, you may even discover your new favorite dish.
  • Get out of the house. A change of scenery is always good, especially when it comes to mental clarity. Getting out of the house will help prevent you from ruminating on things, and also give you a fresh perspective. I’ve noticed that during times I’m stressed at home and I end up going out and to my parents’ house, I end up feeling so much better. You’ll drive yourself crazy staying in the same place for a long time! Just get out and go for a drive if you have nowhere else to go! Getting out of the house will most definitely help keep you sane in the midst of chaos.

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