The whole world is currently in the midst of a health crisis. COVID-19 has been spreading faster than we can keep up, and we’ve all been advised to practice social distancing. Basically: we should only go out when it is absolutely necessary, and we should stay home at all other costs. We’ve also been cautioned to avoid groups with more than twenty five people. It’s a scary time for everyone, which is why more than ever we need to not only adhere to these precautions, but also why we should lean into affirmations for manifestation—specifically health affirmations.
An affirmation is a positive statement designed to manifest a specific goal. When we use them in the present tense and repeat them to ourselves or speak them aloud often, we give our thoughts greater power and can start to make positive changes in our lives. A manifestation is the action or fact of showing an abstract idea. (“What you think is what you manifest.”)
When we use positive affirmations, we nurture the positive thoughts and start to believe them—thus making the idea/ideas come true in our life. It’s really quite simple: change your mindset and you can change your life; or, as I mentioned above: what you think is what you manifest.
Take all of the affirmations listed below or pick out the ones that resonate the most with you. Repeat these affirmations daily and often to manifest health into your life during this turbulent time; and remember: #TogetherApart.

- Perfect health exists in my body
- Every cell in my body is divinely healthy
- My body is sacred and I will take care of it
- I am strong and powerful
- I release any and all attachments to illnesses
- My body knows how to heal itself naturally
- I am manifesting health
- My body is healthy and strong
- Everything I eat nourishes my beautiful body

- I am filled with unlimited energy
- My health is radiant, vibrant, and dynamic
- I treat my body like a temple
- Every cell in my body is thriving
- My body is a miracle
- My body is powerful and knows how to heal itself
- I am healed, whole, and healthy