Little things to remember this holiday

Little things to remember this holiday

This time of year brings out something different in everyone. While some experience pure bliss, others feel stress and pressure coil around their body’s tightly, binding and constricting them. Whatever you’re feeling is okay—but here are some little reminders we can all use and take with us this holiday.

Look at everything through grateful eyes

When you change your mindset, you change your whole life. Instead of letting little things get to you (i.e certain family members, commitments, bad jokes etc.), try to appreciate everything by looking at it all through grateful eyes. Appreciate the laughs, the bad jokes, the quirks—all of it.

Don’t let commitments or people suck the joy out of you

It’s easy for commitments to stress us out, or for certain family members get under our skin, but we shouldn’t let any of that ruin the holidays for us. The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy, giving, and love—not a time filled with irritation, snappiness, and stress.

If you commit to doing something, make sure you follow through with it, and know you’re making the conscious choice to do so. Unless someone is threatening you, ultimately you have the power to decide where you go and who you spend your time with. With that being said, it’s also important to remember that people are who they are and you don’t have the power to change them. The only thing you have the power to change is your reaction. Instead of getting annoyed and letting commitments or family members suck the joy out of you, respond by simply rolling with the punches and making the most of it. After all, you deserve to enjoy your holiday as much as the next person.

Keep an open mind + know what you’re getting yourself into

You may have specific connotations with certain events or dinners in your mind ahead of time—whatever they are, get rid of them. We all usually build things up too much in our own heads and allow ourselves to get worked up. By keeping an open mind, we take all of that negativity away. However, with that being said, it’s equally important to recognize what you’re getting yourself into. Although something or someone may pleasantly surprise you, it shouldn’t come as a shock if someone’s behavior is exactly as you predicted.

Get out what you put in

At the end of the day, you get out what you put in to the holidays. If you go in miserable, then you’re going to have a miserable time—it’s that simple! Take accountability and give your all; as long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters.


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