Most of us have a love-hate relationship with dating. Because while it can help us find our perfect match, slogging through the not-so-perfect matches can be exhausting. Which is probably why our self-esteem is typically nowhere to be found before a date. When this happens, turning to hacks that’ll quickly boost your confidence is key.
The truth is, while it’s normal to feel less confident prior to a date, feeling this way can stop your date from getting to know you and vice versa because you’ll be on edge and not your most authentic self. But the good news is that are ways to shake off this feeling in a flash.
Allow me to introduce to you 8 quick ways to boost your confidence before a date. These hacks work regardless of gender and will help you step into a date as your most flawless self. Keep scrolling to learn more.
8 Quick Ways To Boost Your Confidence Before a Date:

1. Spritz on a sexy scent
In case you didn’t know, our sense of smell plays a huge role in how we feel and can trigger certain memories and elicit specific feelings and responses in the brain. So if there’s a sexy scent you feel your most confident in, go ahead and spritz some on ahead of time. You’ll be amazed at the boost it gives your self-esteem and charisma.
If you’re unsure of what to pick, try going for something that matches the vibe you’re going for. While floral scents are practically synonymous with love and romance, vanilla is often viewed as cozy and sweet. Likewise, scents like lavender and jasmine both smell good and are known to promote relaxation and well-being.

Not Your Baby Travel Size Perfume
The perfect spicy floral to spritz on and carry with you all day for under $30.
MYSLF Eau de Parfum Travel Spray
Earthy and woody, this is the perfect cologne for the man on-the-go.

2. Move out the nerves
PSA: It’s totally normal to feel nervous before a date; putting yourself out there is a big deal! But anxiety can seriously hinder your confidence, not to mention your ability to be present, yourself, and enjoy the date (which, let’s be real, is really the whole point of it). For this reason, moving out your nerves is key.
To do this, try getting in a workout, dancing around to your favorite music, going on a walk, etc. It doesn’t matter how you move, all that matters is that you do it. Doing this will help shift your focus and move that anxiety out of your body so you can feel more confident.
3. Enlist the help of positive affirmations
Whether you’re a hardcore fan of affirmations or loathe them, there’s no denying the positive effect (pun fully intended) they can have on your mood. Keep some self-love affirmations at the ready and recite them out loud in front of a mirror for a major confidence boost or on your way to the date. Regardless of how you do it, this will help you feel more confident, lucky in love, and navigate the dating scene successfully.
Affirmations to recite before a date:
- I am worthy of love and happiness
- My body is perfect just the way it is
- I am beautiful inside and out
- I am open to new adventures and finding love
- Dating is fun
- Everything will out the way it’s supposed to
- I feel good about myself today, and my personality shines through

4. Refresh your memory about your date
Not knowing what you’re walking into or what in the world you’re going to talk about can make you feel on edge. But doing a quick refresh on your date can quell this and boost your confidence instantly. Regardless of whether this is the first, second, or third date, take a peek at their dating profile as well as your text threads. And if your friend set you up, give them a call to get the 411 on your date.
Not only will this make you feel like you know what you’re walking into, but it’ll also give you an idea of what to talk about. And if you’re unsure of how to break the ice, check out these first date conversation starters.
5. Dress for success
When you look good, you feel good. And when you feel good, you feel confident. So, dress for success in an outfit you feel equal parts comfortable and confident in (think: that go-to shirt, dress, power suit, etc.). Contrary to popular opinion, comfort is key here; after all, nothing’s worse than stressing over how you look or being uncomfortable in what you’re wearing.
6. Accept yourself
It goes without saying, but accepting yourself is key to feeling confident. Of course, we all have days we feel more insecure than others, but if you can remember that you are worthy of and deserve love and happiness, you’ll walk into your date feeling empowered. Likewise, it’ll also help you remember that you don’t need to change yourself to impress anyone. As hard as it is, rejection is a natural part of dating, and it’ll eventually lead you to your perfect match.

7. Release the tension
We’re all tense and busy enough as it is, but the prospect of a date can pile onto that tension and seriously weigh you down. To prevent this from happening, try taking some deep breaths, meditating, or listening to some music. Doing this will help relax your body and mind and ground you in the present moment, which will boost your confidence.
Additionally, enlisting the help of CBD-infused products can help, especially if you have chronic pain, an injury, or sore. Case in point? Foria’s Wellness Tonic with CBD can relieve discomfort and boost your confidence, while Coconu’s Hemp Infused Body Oil works topically to soothe areas you’re feeling sore so you can release whatever energy’s preventing you from feeling like your most flawless self and boost your confidence quickly.

Wellness Tonic with CBD
Use this oral tincture to unwind, release stress, and boost your confidence and mood.
Hemp Infused Body Oil
Hemp-infused and made with organic coconut oil, this 100% natural formula will soothe tension and release stress in your mind and body.
Use code FLAWLESS15 for 15% off all Coconu Products!

8. Shift your mindset
There’s a difference between knowing which red flags to look out for and dooming the date from the start. Instead of thinking of the worst-case scenario and all the ways it can go wrong, think about the best-case scenario and all the ways it can go right. It sounds silly, but simply shifting your mindset will help tamp down your nerves and increase your confidence. Plus, you’ll likely have a better time, and at the end of the day, dating should and can be fun.