I’ve been thinking and talking a lot lately about evolving in life, and all that comes with it. Evolution is around us constantly. It’s evident in the loss of childhood and high school friendships as we get older, it shows in the inevitable dwindling of our inner circles, and it translates into the relationships we have with others and ourselves. These things typically happen naturally, we are, essentially, evolving without knowing it.
Evolution can be scary because it is a very lonely road. You may not make the journey completely alone, but the people you can relate to and rely on will be far and few between. I’m currently on this journey myself, as I’m trying to build something after losing everything and finding myself in a place I thought I’d never be. It’s a very weird time, but also a time that I think has helped me grow as an individual because I’ve been spending more time alone.
Since I know firsthand how tough evolving can truly be, I’ve picked out some quotes that have really resonated with me and I use as a reminder from time-to-time when I feel pulled in a different direction. I hope you can use these on your journey of evolution.
Disclaimer: all of these quotes were found on Pinterest.

“When you are evolving to your higher self the road seems lonely. But you’re simply shedding energies that no longer match the frequency of your destiny.”
“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.” – Max Depree
“You are being presented with two choices: evolve or repeat.”
“Old ways won’t open new doors.”
“You are being presented with a choice: evolve or remain. If you choose to remain unchanged, you will be presented with the same challenges, the same routine, the same storms, the same situations, until you learn from them, until you love yourself enough to say ‘no more’, until you choose change. If you choose to evolve, you will connect with the strength within you, you will explore what lies outside the comfort zone, you will awaken to love, you will become, you will be. You have everything you need. Choose to evolve. Choose love.” – Creig Crippen

“Every next level of your life will demand a new you.”
“You don’t grow when you’re comfortable.”
“Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.”