If you’ve ever taken a peek at your horoscope, you’ve likely come across terms like “earth sign” or “fire sign.” While these terms might seem insignificant to astrology noobs, they’re there for a reason, and refer to one of the four elements in astrology. And believe it or not, these elements actually play a big role in your zodiac birth chart.
Elements refer to specific personality traits and tendencies of the zodiac signs. They can provide more insight into your personality, as well as your compatibility with other zodiac signs. So, if you’ve ever been curious about yourself, you’ve come to the right place.
The 4 Elements in Astrology:
There are12 signs in the zodiac, which means that three fall under each element. Signs under the same element aren’t necessarily identical, but they are more likely to have similarities amongst themselves.
- Fire: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
- Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
- Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
- Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Of course, humans are complex creatures, and you’re more than the zodiac sign you refer to yourself as based on your birthday (AKA you sun sign). If you want to learn more about your entire astrological birth chart, you can use this free birth chart calculator to glean more info, but for now, let’s get to learning about the elements and which signs have the best compatibility. Keep scrolling to learn more.
The 4 Elements In Astrology and the Best Sign Pairings:
1. Fire: aries, leo, sagittarius

Fire signs are, unsurprisingly, fiery. They also tend to be passionate, outgoing, confident, charismatic and bold. When a fire sign expresses themselves well, they tend to inspire others. They can also be very creative, and have no qualms about obtaining fame and fortune through their signature intensity. Since fire signs love attention (especially you, Leo), one way to win them over is to ask them to talk about themselves.
Sometimes, though, fire signs have trouble expressing themselves and their emotions, which can make them act selfishly and impulsively. On a bad day, they’re known to have a quick temper, and will forge their own warpath and lash out at anyone who gets in their way. Signs ruled by fire often look for others who can match their intense energy, and can easily become bored with those who can’t keep up.
2. earth: taurus, virgo, capricorn

Earth signs get their namesake from their grounded nature. They’re known for their practicality, dependability, and focus. These signs tend to be career-focused, self-sufficient, and driven. They also tend to appreciate the finer things in life, so one surefire way to get in their good graces is to give them food and wine. The downside to this, though, is that they can become greedy and materialistic.
Although earth signs love bettering themselves, they can become extremely stubborn, inflexible, and lazy on a bad day. Signs ruled by this element also have a tendency to getting caught up in the bigger picture, rather than the journey they’re on. They may have their feet on the ground but their eyes are always on the prize, so they’ll tend to gravitate towards those who won’t need their help becoming the best versions of themselves (especially romantically).
Related: The Big Three Astrology Signs and What They Really Mean
3. air: gemini, libra, aquarius

Air signs are a cool combo of social butterfly and intellectual thinker. They’re idealistic and rational, so present them with a dilemma and they’re bound to think it over logically rather than emotionally. Signs ruled by this element are huge proponents of the importance of communication and possessing good communication skills. Air signs are extremely creative and inventive creatures.
On the flip side, these signs are the most likely to cut you off or ghost you quickly. Air signs are extremely hot and cold, and their flighty attitude and inability to commit to anything or anyone often makes it extremely difficult to grab their attention. Even if you do grab their attention, keeping it is another story in itself.
4. water: cancer, scorpio, pisces

Signs ruled by this element are probably the biggest empaths of the zodiac. Water signs are extremely emotional, compassionate, perceptive and deep, and always take into account the feelings of others. These signs also desire aesthetic beauty, and for everyone to be happy and excited as a result of it.
However, much like the ocean can swirl and roar at the drop of a dime, water signs are very susceptible to mood swings. An inactive water sign is more likely to mope around, and they can become highly suspicious of others or extra sensitive, which in turn makes them take things the wrong way or too personally. Water signs tend to be more shy and reserved, so anyone who can help them get out of their shell and isn’t afraid to get deep will be a good match for them.

the best pairings between elements:
Although signs under the same element are compatible, they’re not necessarily the best match; they can motivate or bring each other down, depending on which personality traits are present.
That said, if you’re looking to see how you can relate to signs with a different element than yours, here’s how everything matches up:
fire + earth
These two signs tend to be very compatible despite the fact that they’re inherently different in nature. Where fire signs tend to be outgoing, earth signs tend to be more reserved. However, this makes for a great pairing in the long run: They balance each other out, and earth signs can give fire signs stability and sustenance.
fire + air
This may seem like an unlikely pairing, but fire and air signs are extremely compatible because they have the ability to match each other’s energy. Which, let’s be honest, is no easy feat. These traits, of course, could also be their downfall: They could wind up and drain one another in equal measure. However, if their synergy is matched, they’re a pretty unstoppable duo.
fire + water
A likely unsuccessful pairing, fire and water can be mutually destructive to one another. Water can put out a fire, but fires have the potential to rage and dry things up completely. Signs ruled by these elements can have difficulty understanding each other. Even if these two signs are drawn to each other, their relationship is likely to be intense and quick; it’ll fizzle out as quickly as it began.
earth + air
This can be a very strong pairing, as both signs can lean on each other for practicality, logic, and intellect. An air sign may have dreams or ideas that an earth sign can help make happen. Together, if they’re productive and on the same page, this pairing can be very healthy.
earth + water
Despite the fact that these are opposing elements—earth signs are grounded and logical and water signs are emotional and free-flowing—these two signs are highly compatible and can help nourish and balance each other out. Water signs can help encourage an earth sign to slow down and appreciate the journey instead of solely focusing on the end goal.
air + water
Despite the fact that air signs are logical and water signs are emotional, these two tend to be naturally compatible. They both balance each other out well; water can show air the importance of feeling and expressing emotions, while air can show water the rewards of curiosity and intellectual thinking. These signs can also motivate each other.
Interesting post on astrology and sign pairings. I never know where I fit in. A lot of things I’ve read say I’m on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini. I always read both and figure I’m a mix of the two.
Thank you so much! There’s a good chance you probably are. We’re all mixes of a lot of things, and learning your entire astrological birth chart or just the “Big Three” can be extremely helpful. Thanks for reading!