Something about crystals—their natural energy and healing powers—enticed me for awhile, and this past spring I finally took the plunge and bought my first crystals. After that initial day, I’ve added more into my collection and have them scattered all over my house. Today’s post is dedicated to the crystals I have in my living room.

When you walk through the front door of my house, you walk right into the living room, so it’s important for me to preserve good energy. Besides my office upstairs, almost all of my time—as well as my time with my boyfriend—is spent in the living room, which makes it all the more vital that it’s a place of good, genuine vibes. The following crystals I’ve placed in my living room have helped harmonize and balance calmness, love, and mindfulness in that room and throughout my home.
Selenite wands (2)
Selenite is a universal crystal with numerous healing properties and benefits, and is also believed to aid in cleansing other crystals. I personally find selenite extremely powerful, which is why I have it in practically every room in my house. I keep two selenite wands in my living room for balance and cleansing of the energy being brought into my home or the surrounding space.
Rose quartz
Often considered the stone of love, rose quartz promotes self-love, which I feel helps feed a healthy relationship with myself and also my boyfriend. You can’t love someone and fully accept them until you fully love yourself and accept who you are. I keep this one my coffee table, underneath my selenite wand. Rose quartz is one of my favorite crystals. (Plus, I’m a sucker for pink, clearly.)


Underneath my selenite wand and next to my rose quartz heart is my amazonite stone. I’ve always resonated strongly with water—paticularly the ocean—and have always been drawn to blues or blue/greens; which is also interesting considering my birthstone is sapphire. So, it’s no surprise that I was immensely drawn to amazonite. I place this in my living room for its calming properties.
Dichroic kyanite
This jaw-dropping blue stone spoke to me through the internet. Believed to aid in releasing stagnant energy and keeping you grounded in your most authentic self, I keep this crystal in my living room to help set the tone for the rest of my home.
Angel aura quartz

Besides the fact that I’m obsessed with all things iridescent, my angel aura quartz cluster serves not only as a beautiful decoration, but also as a purifier for mind, body, and soul. This beautiful crystal helps integrate light into the body and all seven chakras, in turn creating a deep state of meditative awareness from the universe, ultimately allowing us to stay grounded in the knowledge we receive beyond consciousness. A crystal of joy, I keep this one in my living room to promote happiness, grounding, and spirituality.
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