Why you need to support your partner

Why you need to support your partner

Having a supportive partner in your life is a feeling like no other. It’s something indescribable, and has a value that is unmatched. Before my accident, when I was pursuing professional wrestling, my boyfriend was the one person who always encouraged me and had my back. While others openly voiced their opinions and doubts about my pursuit of a not so normal life, he made sure he was always positive and reassuring, He’d take the time to talk to me about wrestling, or watch wrestling whenever we were at home. He helped me in every aspect he possibly could’ve. Looking back now, I don’t know how I would’ve made it through all the negativity from other people close to me. Having just one person support me made all the difference in the world. In this post, I’m going to go over the reasons why it’s necessary to support your partner all the time, 100% of the time.

Need to be able to rely on you

When it comes to relationships, you and your partner should be a team, and if they can’t rely on you, then who can they rely on? If your partner feels like they can’t rely on you, it will cause a rift in your relationship, driving you two apart. When all is said and done, at the end of the day, your partner should feel like you’re always going to be the one person who has their back. If your partner feels like they can’t rely on you to support you no matter what, you risk them internalizing all their anxieties and doubts, which will also bring the two of you further away from each other. Both of you should feel like your support won’t waver in a time of crisis. True support comes with the good and the bad, the highs and the lows; there is no in between.

Confide in you

Whether it comes to work or a hobby, your partner should feel like they’re able to confide in you without judgment. Imagine this: your partner wants to pursue an acting career, but they’re scared to step out of their comfort zone. They want to talk to you and get your input about the idea, but are scared you’ll just laugh their dream away. Now, switch roles. Put yourself in that position. How does that make you feel? When I do that, it shatters my heart into a million tiny pieces.

Confiding in your partner about anything shows vulnerability. It’s not always easy to open up, so it’s crucial that your partner feels like they can show that side of themselves to you. The last thing you want is for your S.O to feel like they can’t talk to you about anything. No one wants to be put down or laughed at when they expose that delicate side of themselves. I can’t imagine feeling like I couldn’t confide in my boyfriend for fear of him laughing at me and belittling my dreams. It takes courage and strength to open up to someone like that, and the last thing you want to do is have your S.O keep a wall up forever.

Helps them keep moving forward + believe in themselves

Sometimes, when my boyfriend is having a tough day, I’ll stop what I’m doing, look him in the eyes, and say to him: “I’m proud of you, and I believe in you.” And honestly? That support, that little reassurance, is all he needs to snap out of it, to keep pushing forward.

We all have bad days, that’s a universal truth. But when your partner has those bad days, knowing that they have someone who believes in them can help motivate them to pick themselves up and keep going. As important as it is for them to believe in themselves, it’s equally important they know that their S.O believes in them, too. If they feel as though their own partner–someone they share the most intimate details of their life with–doesn’t support or believe in them, succumbing to their doubts and fears becomes so much more tempting. Tell your partner you want them to succeed, make sure they know that you truly believe in them. When it comes to times of self-doubt and fear, they’ll remember your belief in them; and I can guarantee you that that will help them keep going.


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