First dates can be exhausting. The buildup beforehand, adrenaline during, and comedown after can be a lot. And when you’re caught up in this whirlwind of emotions, it’s easy to miss subtle clues that signal a first date is going well. After all, spotting green and red flags is one thing—but noticing smaller, subtle signs? Forget about it.
That said, dating can be nerve-wracking enough as is; and you really don’t need another thing to worry about. Which is why we’ve rounded up the biggest subtle clues that mean a first date is going well.
Allow me to introduce to you the 7 sneaky signs that mean a first date is going well. With this guide, navigating the dating scene will be a breeze because you’ll know which subtle clues to look for the next time you’re on a first date. Keep scrolling to learn more.
7 Sneaky Signs a First Date Is Going Well:

1. There’s a lot of laughter
Laughter on a first date is one of the best signs there is. Research has shown that laughter establishes a positive emotional climate and sense of connection between two people. It’s also believed to be one of the best ways to bring people together. In addition, studies have also found that laughter is a sign of dating interest, and two people laughing together are more likely to have a romantic interest in each other. So, if you and your date are laughing, take that as a good sign!
2. The conversation is easy
Nothing’s worse than stilted or forced conversation; in fact, this is usually never a good sign. However, if the opposite’s happening and the conversation is easy, that’s definitely a green flag. A conversation that flows naturally means you’re both feeling at ease with one another; it’s a sign that you’re both comfortable opening up just a little bit. Also, equal participation in a convo is another key sign to look for.
That said, first dates often involve a lot of small talk, which is natural when you’re getting to know someone. So don’t fret if you’re caught up in pleasantries. Instead, be mindful of how the conversation’s flowing and whether or not you’re both equally participating. If you are, then that’s a good sign! Plus, this is how you ease into things before going deeper.

3. You just “click”
People with a natural connection usually just click. In addition to the convo being easy, it may also feel like you’ve known each other forever. You may also feel naturally attuned to one another. Mirroring each other’s body language is a telltale sign of this instant connection, and shows that you’re both on the same page.
4. No one is reaching for their phone
It doesn’t matter how good someone is at multi-tasking—their phone will remove them from the current moment. Plus, being on your phone during a date is straight-up rude. When someone reaches for their phone on a date, it’s usually because they’re uncomfortable and are looking for a way to escape; it may also be a way to soothe any anxious feelings. So if no one’s reaching for their phone, take that as a good sign.

5. You feel pretty at ease
Admittedly, first dates can induce major feelings of anxiety and dread (gotta love those notorious first date jitters!). However, if you walk into a good situation, those feelings tend to dissipate or go away completely as the date goes on. On the other hand, walking into a not-so-good situation will make those anxious feelings and tension ratchet up more.
Feeling comfortable, relaxed, and at ease with someone you’ve just met is a great sign—it shows a strong, natural connection. Likewise, should you choose to pursue this further, strong emotional intimacy won’t be forced. Feeling like you’re able to fully be yourself and don’t have to put on a front is another sign of this as well.
6. You’re totally present
Everyone’s mind wanders sometimes; that’s normal. This tends to happen more when you’re preoccupied with something else, like an upcoming doctor’s appointment or work project. If your date’s able to help you forget about everything on your to-do list for the time being and bring you to the present moment, that’s an amazing sign.
Being fully engrossed in the date—the food, the convo, the drinks, your date, etc.—and not thinking about things such as work, your to-do list, or making a quick getaway is a major green flag. At the end of the day, everything comes back to being mindful and living and experiencing everything in the present moment.

7. Your gut tells you it’s going well
Despite the fact that our gut feelings are usually right, it can be easy to question or ignore them. However, if you’re on a first date and feel deep in your gut that it’s going well, run with it. Don’t question it or try to break it down, Instead, trust your intuition because it usually knows best. Once the date is over, you can then begin to break down whatever you need to, but while you’re on it, stay present and enjoy it.