Growing up in an Irish and Italian household in America meant being raised Catholic, and I was taught to shy away from psychics, mediums or clairvoyants of any sort. I was told that people did have special powers and there were spirits in the world, but you couldn’t know exactly who you were talking to, which opened up the door some juju to enter your life. However, when I was offered the chance to have my aura read by clairvoyant, intuitive, and energy healer Janet Rae Orth, I took it, no questions asked.
Now, total disclaimer: I fully believe in the power of intuition. Intuitives are real, people! However, I’ll admit that my background made me a bit hesitant—more out of fear than anything else. But Orth immediately put me at ease. She told me that a lot of Catholics around the world work with her (they’re different than American Catholics); and that there’s a lot of positive scripture in the Bible about psychics.
With that out of the way, we got into the session. Orth talked to me about the chronic inflammation I’ve been experiencing before diving into the aura reading, where she broke down my 7 aura layers which relate to the 7 chakras. It was an empowering and enlightening experience, and I left feeling extremely optimistic about the future. Keep scrolling to learn the 7 life lessons I learned from a clairvoyant.

Janet Rae Orth
Janet Rae Orth is an internationally known clairvoyant and consultant. She brings more than 25 years experience as an intuitive leader and decision maker to her lectures, and training in meditation, intuition and clairvoyant awareness.
7 Life Lessons I Learned From a Clairvoyant:
1. I probably have an MTFHR gene mutation, and that’s OK
The MTFHR gene (comedically known as the motherf*cker gene) is essentially responsible for releasing toxins in the body. With this gene mutation, though, toxins can build up and cause chronic inflammation. In my case, Orth told me she believes this is manifesting through inflammation to my GI tract and eczema.
“This is nothing to be worried about, and around 40% of the population has this,” Orth told me. She then went on to suggest finding a functional doctor to get tested for the gene, as well as taking specific vitamins and supplements. Likewise, she also recommended regularly taking Epsom salt baths. I’ve taken heed to her advice and have been trying to find the proper treatment, and it’s been a major game-changer.
2. Trust your intuition
We’ve all heard the saying “trust your gut,” and according to Orth, I should always listen to mine. Of course, some people are more intuitive than others, but Orth told me that I have a high emotional intelligence, which allows me to read people and situations better than others. She also told me that I’m really good with animals, and they can sense my EQ. “That’s ironic because I’m severely allergic to cats and dogs, but they always gravitate toward me,” I told her.
3. Work with your brain, not against it
My ADD diagnosis at 16 was life-changing, and since then, I’ve assumed everything was under control. However, at the time of my reading, in my first aura layer Orth saw an emerald green color surrounded by a slight white fog. “The white fog means you’re moving on autopilot,” she explained. She then went on to say that this happens to the best of us and can bring about some anxiety, but in my case, it’s my ADD telling me I’m not managing it well.
To combat this, Orth suggested learning how to work with my brain—not against it. She referenced some helpful reading material for ADD, including The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success (I’ve ordered it from the library). Likewise, she also suggested scheduling downtime once a week. “You need a day to do nothing,” she said. “This will help you recharge mentally and creatively, which is important as writer.”

4. I’m an old soul
Another thing that surprised me a bit was when Orth told me that I’m an old soul. “You have a lot of wisdom and empathy and sympathy for situations you’ve never been in personally,” she said. “You were in those situations in another life, and you have unique insight that others don’t have.”
5. I’m an introvert and an extrovert
Another thing that blew my mind was when Orth revealed to me that I’m an introvert and an extrovert. “This is really rare,” she explained. “You have great social skills and are fun to be around, but when it’s time to decompress, you go inward.” She explained that the primary difference between introverts and extroverts is how they decompress. “Extroverts get their energy from other people, but introverts get their energy from themselves,” she said.
In all honesty, once she explained it, it made so much sense. Growing up in a family of 5 meant literally never being alone (which was entertaining, to say the least), so I thought it’d be a major transition once I moved out on my own and my fiancé started working second shift. But to my absolute surprise, I found that having nights to myself is calming and clearing—I finish work for the night, log off, make myself a nice aperitivo, watch some TV or read, make dinner, and do some deep breathing before bed. TBH, it’s relaxing AF, and only solidifies my essential need to schedule downtime so I don’t go crazy.
6. I made the right career choice
Some of you may know that prior to writing I was training to become a professional wrestler but got derailed when I was rear-ended by a drunk driver and sustained permanent neck and shoulder injuries. In hindsight, I believe that was the best thing for me—I can’t imagine traveling 350 days a year and barely seeing my family and friends—and Orth confirmed my belief, too too. “You’re passionate, engaging, vivacious and outgoing,” she said. “You have excellent communication skills, which is essential for a writer.”
Additionally, Orth also told me that my desire to have a big family falls in line perfectly with my career. “Being a freelancer and working from home while finishing school will make it so you don’t have to pay for childcare,” she told me. Likewise, Orth also sees kids for my fiancé and I after our wedding in 2024, which is really exciting.

7. Be upfront with others
The seventh aura layer refers to your outer mask, which is essentially how people in the world view you. Orth told me that she saw a passionate magenta at this point, which means that I’m extremely likable and easy to get along with. Which, TBH, made perfect sense—everyone I know jokes about how I can make friends anywhere I go, and how people always say they see me smile more than others. However, Orth said that my outgoing cheerfulness can often confuse people. “Your introverted side can give them the wrong impression,” she explained.
Orth told me the best thing I can do for myself is be upfront with others. This might mean saying something like “it takes time for me to open up” or, “I go inward to decompress.” She explained that this will help avoid confusion and let the people in my life better understand me and how I work.
All in all, I cannot recommend Orth and her services enough. She was professional, warm and incredibly easy to talk to. My session was eye-opening, and I hope I can work with Orth more in the future. This was an amazing experience, and I’m so thankful I was given this opportunity.