First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage—at least that’s how it used to be. Nowadays, it’s almost more strange if couples jump right into marriage before living together. In fact, nearly 89% of couples live together in some capacity before they tie the knot. Today’s modern world has broken the stigma of couples cohabiting before saying “I do,” but despite the fact that moving in together has been normalized, it still isn’t something that should be taken lightly.
People move in together for all sorts of reasons, and while there is no right or wrong when it comes to time frame and reasoning, there are signs that clearly indicate whether you’re truly ready for the next step or not. Keep on reading to learn the 9 signs that you’re ready to move in together.
Moving In Together: 9 Signs You’re Ready for the Next Step:

1. You’re both on the same page
Cohabiting with someone is going to be much harder if you’re not on the same wavelength. Which is why making sure you’re on the same page beforehand is a must. Take the time to discuss your future goals individually and as a couple; and how you’re going to handle things the bills, household chores, pets, and so on. If you don’t talk about these things ahead of time, you may find yourselves unhappy when you move in together.
2. You’re doing it for the right reasons
Although couples move in together for all kinds of reasons, it’s important to make sure you’re doing it for the right ones. Moving in together because you’re both committed and ready for the next step is one thing. But moving in together to make it easier to pay the bills is another. Take the time to examine the reasoning behind the move, and make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons.
3. You’re past the honeymoon phase
The whole world filled with pure bliss during the honeymoon phase, and you feel like you’re floating on cloud nine. Which is why this phase can make it difficult to discern whether you and your partner are truly compatible. Because once the honeymoon phase is over, reality sets in. And this is when the highs and lows of life will test you individually and as a couple.
If you’re still in the honeymoon phase, can’t keep your hands off of each other, or haven’t had any major fights, it might be too soon to take the next step. After all, the decision to move in together is not one that should be taken lightly. You don’t need to rush into things. Instead, try enjoying your time together for some time before making the leap. More often than not, slow and steady wins the race.

4. You’ve survived ups and downs as a couple
Every couple experiences conflict at some point; it’s natural. However, if you haven’t had ups and downs prior to moving in together, surviving that first rough patch will be much more challenging. Not only will you be unable to escape it because you’ll be in the same space, but you also won’t know how to handle it. After all, everyone has their own conflict style. And it’s important to get to know your partners and vice versa before cohabiting.
5. You’ve spent long periods of time together
Moving in together is not the same thing as spending a long weekend or going on vacation together. But both can give you an inkling of what life might look like when you’re living in the same space. This is why spending long periods of time together prior to moving in with each other is a no-brainer; you’ll each get glimpses of how the other one operates (think: morning and nighttime routines, etc.). Which will give you an idea of how you’ll mesh together when cohabiting.
6. You’re familiar with each other’s schedules
Having a basic understanding of what their daily life looks like and vice versa will make the move so much easier. While it’s impossible to know everything, this will give you an idea of how your lives might change once you’re living together. You’ll both have an idea of what to expect, which will help make the transition smoother.

7. You both have your own lives and are secure in yourselves
No one should ever look to their partner to complete them, nor should they revolve their life around them. This is why it’s crucial that you and you S.O both have a sense of independence and are confident in yourselves before moving in together. This will help keep the relationship healthy, and make living together so much easier and more enjoyable.
If you don’t have things for or feel secure in yourself, unhealthy relationship habits may form—such as codependence or wrapping up your identity in your partner—and there will be a strain on the relationship. It may also lead to fighting and tension, which will add pressure on your life together.
8. You’re both willing to be flexible
If you like to keep everything meticulously organized but have a partner who’s messy, you can’t expect them to become ultra organized overnight. You can, however, work together and come to a compromise. So maybe they leave a shoe lying around—is it really the end of the world? Probably not.
All relationships are about give and take, especially when you’re living together. Neither one of you should expect the other one to fully conform to your thinking and way of life. A willingness to be flexible and work together so you’re both comfortable in your space shows a level of maturity that means you’re ready for the next step.

9. The decision hasn’t been made lightly
Taking this decision seriously is a big sign that you’re ready to move in together. It shows that you respect the gravity of what this next step means for your relationship, and you’re both committed to that decision, your relationship as a whole, and your future together.
Remember that even if you aren’t ready to move in with your partner now, that doesn’t mean you won’t be in the future or that the relationship won’t work out. Everyone moves at their own pace, and it’s better to wait until you’re both ready before jumping in to something so serious. Don’t let society sway or tell you otherwise—as long as you and your partner are happy and your relationship is healthy, that’s all that matters.
Great tips! It is a big step and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly!
Thank you! It really is, and it takes the relationship to the next level!
I wish I had followed this advice earlier in my life.
Hindsight is always 20/20; we all look back and wish we could’ve done some things differently, but you live and you learn. It’s all a part of life! Thank you for reading!