Every relationship goes through rough patches; it’s part of life. And while the grass can seem greener on the other side during hard times, it’s also true that the grass is almost always greener where you water it. Needless to say, this means that not all rough patches signal the end of a relationship. Which begs the question: How do you know when a relationship is over?
It’s a question that most people never want to answer because breakups are never easy. However, if you’re struggling and wondering whether or not it’s time to let go of someone you love, it’s important to take a step back and take inventory of the relationship. Although every relationship is different, there are ways to tell when it’s time to say goodbye. Keep on reading to learn the 8 signs that a relationship is over.
8 Signs a Relationship Is Over:

1. You’re happier apart
While you shouldn’t rely on your S.O to bring you happiness, they should be someone who lifts you up, makes you laugh, and brings you joy. Additionally, you should also feel like you can relax and fully be yourself around your S.O without any worries. So if you feel happier away from your partner, it might mean the relationship’s run its course.
Being around your partner shouldn’t be stressful; it shouldn’t make you feel bad about yourself or like you have to hide who you are from them. After all, a true partner is someone who complements and brings out the best in you.
2. There’s no communication
It’s no secret that communication is key, and relationships can’t survive without it. If you and your S.O have trouble talking to one another or can’t seem to have a conversation together, it might mean the relationship is over.
Of course, there are tons of reasons why there can be a lack of communication (like work stress, etc.). Which is why it’s important to get to the root cause of the issue first and foremost before you cut ties forever. Try making an active effort to talk to your partner, and consider enlisting the help of a professional. Doing this will help you both get a better idea of whether you can get back on track or if the relationship’s too far gone.

3. Intimacy is gone
Physical and emotional intimacy both play an important role in all relationships. However, it’s completely normal for the rate of physical intimacy to fluctuate, and sometimes your libido just needs a little boost to get going again. So while lack of physical intimacy doesn’t necessarily mean the relationship is over, lack of emotional intimacy is never a good sign.
Connecting with your partner on an emotional level is vital. It helps build trust, security, and communication. And you shouldn’t feel like you have to hide your innermost thoughts and feelings from your partner. If you and your S.O have tried everything to deepen your emotional connection to no avail, it might be time to call it quits.
4. You’re staying out of convenience
No one enjoys breakups. However, you shouldn’t stay in a relationship you want to end simply for convenience sake because you have nowhere else to go; nor should you stay because you’re scared of ending things, being alone, or hurting them. That’s not fair to either one of you. In truth, this will only hurt both of you more and prolong the healing process.
5. It’s an unequal partnership
All parties have an equal say in true partnerships. So if your S.O doesn’t hear you out, puts in significantly less effort than you, or refuses to compromise, it might be time to say goodbye. Not only does this show a lack of respect, but it also shows that you’re being taken for granted.
6. Your goals and values don’t align
Opposites attract, and you and your partner don’t have to be carbon copies of one another in order to get along. When it comes down to it, it’s the bigger picture that counts. This means that your overall goals and values should align. Different views on on having children, marriage, and professional goals are all common aspirations that couples struggle to come to a compromise on.

7. It’s toxic
Spotting a toxic relationship isn’t always easy, especially if you’re in it. Which is why it’s good to consult a professional or trusted confidant if you need help or clarity. However, some common signs include abusive and controlling behaviors, feeling like you have to walk on eggshells, repeated infidelity, and constant distress.
When it comes down to it, your relationship shouldn’t cause you stress or inner turmoil. It should be the opposite. And while leaving can be tremendously difficult, it will save you in the end. Remember: You are worthy and deserving of love. If you suspect you’re in a toxic relationship, don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted confidant or professional to discuss your options and where you can go from there.

8. The bad outweighs the good
It’s easy to hold onto hope and cling to the good times when you love someone, but if there are more cons than pros to the relationship, take that as a sign that it’s time to let go for good. It won’t be easy—breakups never are—but it will be better in the long run. Hurt and loss are something we all have to deal with in life, and it’s better to rip the band-aid off now rather than prolonging the inevitable. Use this as an learning opportunity for self-growth, and remember: everything will be OK. Just be patient, and use your time alone to get reacquainted with yourself again.
Extremely valid points. It’s okay to have differences, but if you’re not at least on the same wave length, it’s going to be near impossible to have a joyful relationship. Thanks so much for sharing, this is extremely important!
Hi, Meghan! Thank you so much for reading and for the feedback! Yes, I completely agree! It can be difficult to connect with someone (especially romantically) when you’re not on the same wavelength! Thank you again!!
These are such great points and I agree with every single one of them. Sometimes when we are in that situation, we can be in denial, but these questions are great diagnostic tools to puncture through the haze of denial!
Hi, Olivia! I completely agree with you! It’s always hard to look at a situation objectively when you’re immersed in it. I’m glad that this article can be used as a diagnostic tool for anyone struggling in this situation. Thank you so much for reading and the awesome feedback!!
These are all very valid. If it’s just one or two (outside of #7) you may still be able to work it out. But if a lot of these ring true I think it’s time to find someone new.
Hi, Tori! I agree! I think one of the most difficult things is figuring out whether or not your relationship is worth fighting for. It can be hard to let go, but sometimes it’s the best thing for everyone involved. Thank you so much for reading and for the feedback!!
10/10 article. Or shall I say….8/8 hehehehe
Very clever! I like it 😉