How to Keep the Flame Alive and Burning Hot

How to Keep the Flame Alive and Burning Hot

I sometimes think about the fact that my boyfriend and I have been together for over 7 years, and it blows my mind because I can’t believe how much time has gone by. We’ve been together for 7 years, and yet we both fall more in love with each other every day, and have managed to keep the romance alive, well, and stronger than ever. If I stop and think about it, I’d have to attribute this to a number of things: the fact that we’ve traveled all over the country and out of the country together, we have a date night once a week, that every night we watch TV together and stay close to one another on the couch, the new memories we always make together, and how much fun we have with one another.

All of this got me thinking about the fact that it’s actually not that hard to make sure the spark between two people stays alive. There are so many little things that can be done every day to ensure that it does, which is why I’ve broken down all the ways to keep the flame alive and burning hot in a relationship down below. Keep on reading to find out how.

How to keep the flame alive and burning hot:

  • Stay affectionate. Staying affectionate with one another is key in ensuring you don’t become unaccustomed to the others touch, which will definitely dim the flame. Intimacy is one form of affection, but make sure to pay attention to the smaller things—hold hands, hug each other regularly, cuddle on the couch while watching TV, kiss each other good morning, goodnight, and goodbye—and so on and so forth. These small things will remind both of you that you’re here and present with each other.
  • Make date nights a regular occurrence. Prioritizing time for the two of you will ensure that you keep the flame alive and burning hot. Having that one-on-one time is also helpful because it gives both of you the chance to remember why you fell in love in the first place, help strengthen your bond, and show you two how to communicate with each other.
  • Make memories together. Doing things such as traveling or trying new things together is huge in making sure the spark doesn’t die. Creating memories that only the two of you have will hold a special place in both of your hearts.
  • Don’t forget about small gestures and surprises. A lot of people will say, “it’s the little things that matter most,” and this rings true when it comes to relationships. Small surprises and gestures such as bringing your S.O flowers for no reason or because they had a bad day, cooking dinner to give your partner a break, or even writing little notes for them to find will keep the romance alive in your relationship.
  • Don’t get comfortable and take them for granted. Feeling like your partner takes you for granted is one sure way to put out the flame in the relationship. Expressing gratitude often—even over something as small as taking the trash out—-will ensure that this doesn’t happen. Don’t allow yourself to get comfortable; nothing in life is guaranteed, and that includes relationships.
  • Don’t take things too seriously. Life can be stressful enough as it is, and adding your relationship into that stressful mix won’t do you any good. Relationships are supposed to be fun. Sure, there will be bumps in the road, but you can choose how you react to and handle them. Don’t get mad over every little thing or take your frustrations out on your partner. Instead, enjoy the relationship for what it is: a special connection between two people. Neither one of you should nag, criticize or judge the other one.

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